Central Publications

Miriam Butt, Tracy Holloway King, María-Eugenia Niño and Frédérique Segond (1999)
A Grammar Writer's Cookbook.
Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Ron M. Kaplan, John T. Maxwell III, Tracy Holloway King and Richard Crouch (2004)
Integrating Finite-state Technology with Deep LFG Grammars.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Combining Shallow and Deep Processing for NLP (ESSLLI).

Dick Crouch, Mary Dalrymple, Ronald M. Kaplan, Tracy Holloway King, John Maxwell and Paula Newman (2011)
XLE Documentation.
Palo Alto Research Center.


Mark-Matthias Zymla and Alexandra Fiotaki
Perfective non-past in Modern Greek.
In Proceedings of the LFG21 Conference, pp. 332-352, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Miriam Butt and Kengatharaiyer Sarveswaran
Mixed Categories in Tamil via Complex Categories.
In Proceedings of the LFG20 Conference, pp. 68-88, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Mary Dalrymple, Agnieszka Patejuk and Mark-Matthias Zymla
XLE+Glue: A new tool for integrating semantic analyses in XLE.
In Proceedings of the LFG20 Conference, pp. 89-108, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Kengatharaiyer Sarveswaran and Miriam Butt
Computational Challenges with Tamil Complex Predicates.
In Proceedings of the LFG19 Conference, pp. 272-292, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Mark-Matthias Zymla
Aspectual Reasoning for LFG - A Computational Approach to Grammatical and Lexical Aspect.
In Proceedings of the LFG19 Conference, pp. 353-373, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Mark-Matthias Zymla and Gloria Sigwarth
On the Syntax/Semantics Interface in Computational Glue Semantics: A Case Study.
In Proceedings of the LFG19 Conference, pp. 374-392, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Moritz Meßmer and Mark-Matthias Zymla
The Glue Semantics Workbench: A modular toolkit for exploring Linear Logic and Glue Semantics.
In Proceedings of the LFG18 Conference, pp. 268-282, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Agnieszka Patejuk and Adam Przepiórkowski
Predicative Constructions with Infinitival and Clausal Subjects in Polish.
In Proceedings of the LFG18 Conference, pp. 304-324, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Agnieszka Patejuk
A Gapping Analysis of Lexicalised Comparative Constructions.
In Proceedings of the LFG17 Conference, pp. 306-326, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Agnieszka Patejuk and Adam Przepiórkowski
Filling the Gap.
In Proceedings of the LFG17 Conference, pp. 327-347, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Mark-Matthias Zymla and Sebastian Sulger
Cross-Linguistically Viable Treatment of Tense and Aspect in Parallel Grammar Development.
In Proceedings of the LFG17 Conference, pp. 406-426, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Alexandra Fiotaki and Katerina Tzortzi
Exhaustive object control constructions in Greek: an LFG/XLE treatment.
In Proceedings of the Joint 2016 Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar, pp. 276-296, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Agnieszka Patejuk
Integrating a rich external valency dictionary with an implemented XLE/LFG grammar.
In Proceedings of the Joint 2016 Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar, pp. 520-540, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Christoph Schwarze
Lexikalisch-funktionale Grammatik: Eine Einführung am Beispiel des Französischen mit computerlinguistischer Implementierung.
Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag.

I Wayan Arka
Computational implementation of crossed control structures in Indonesian.
In I Nengah Sudipa and Gede Primahadi-Wijaya-R (Eds.) Cahaya Bahasa: a festschrift in honour of Prof. Sutjaja, pp. 21-27, Denpasar, Swasta Nulus.

Alexandra Fiotaki and Stella Markantonatou.
Modern Greek Tense in Main and na Subordinated Clauses: an LFG/XLE Treatment.
In Proceedings of LFG14, pp. 221-240, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Tibor Laczkó
Outlines of an LFG-XLE Account of Negation in Hungarian Sentences.
In Proceedings of LFG14, pp. 304-324, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Tibor Laczkó
Essentials of an LFG Analysis of Hungarian Finite Sentences.
In Proceedings of LFG14, pp. 325-345, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Tibor Laczkó
An LFG Analysis of Verbal Modifiers in Hungarian.
In Proceedings of LFG14, pp. 346-366, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Agnieszka Patejuk and Adam Przepiórkowski
Structural Case Assignment to Objects in Polish.
In Proceedings of LFG14, pp. 429-447, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Sebastian Sulger, Miriam Butt, Tracy Holloway King, Paul Meurer, Tibor Laczkó, György Rákosi, Cheikh Bamba Dione, Helge Dyvik, Victoria Rosén, Koenraad De Smedt, Agnieszka Patejuk, Özlem Çetinoğlu, I Wayan Arka and Meladel Mistica
ParGramBank: The ParGram Parallel Treebank.
In Proceedings of ACL 2013

François Lareau, Mark Dras, Benjamin Börschinger, and Myfany Turpin
Implementing Lexical Functions in XLE.
In Proceedings of LFG12,pp. 362-382, Stanford: CSLI Pubications.

Roman Rädle, Michael Zöllner and Sebastian Sulger
eXLEpse: An Eclipse-based, Easy-to-Use Editor for Computational LFG Grammars.
In Proceedings of LFG11,pp. 422-439, Stanford: CSLI Pubications.

Melanie Seiss
Implementing the Morphology-Syntax Interface: Challenges from Murrinh-Patha Verbs.
In Proceedings of LFG11, pp. 482-502, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Martin Forst, Tracy Holloway King and Tibor Laczkó 2010
Particle Verbs in Computational LFGs: Issues from English, German, and Hungarian.
In Proceedings of LFG10, pp. 228-248, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Annette Hautli, Özlem Çetinoğlu and Josef van Genabith
Closing the Gap Between Stochastic and Rule-based LFG Grammars.
In Proceedings of LFG10, pp. 270-289, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Jonas Kuhn, Christian Rohrer and Sina Zarrieß
Right Node Raising in Parsing and Generation.
In Proceedings of LFG10, pp. 311-331, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Sina Zarrieß and Jonas Kuhn
Reversing F-Structure Rewriting for Generation from Meaning Representations.
In Proceedings of LFG10, pp. 479-499, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

I Wayan Arka, Avery Andrews, Mary Dalrymple, Meladel Mistica and Jane Simpson
A linguistic and computational morphosyntactic analysis for the applicative -i in Indonesian.
In Proceedings of LFG09, pp. 85-105, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Eleftherios Avramidis and Jonas Kuhn
Exploiting XLE’s finite state interface in LFG-based statistical machine translation.
In Proceedings of LFG09, pp. 127-145, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Tina Bögel, Miriam Butt, Ronald M. Kaplan, Tracy Holloway King and John Maxwell III
Prosodic phonology in LFG: A new proposal.
In Proceedings of LFG09, pp. 146-16, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Aoife Cahill, Uli Heid, Christian Rohrer and Marion Weller
Using tri-lexical dependencies in LFG parse disambiguation.
In Proceedings of LFG09, pp. 208-221, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Ascander Dost and Tracy Holloway King
Using Large-scale Parser Output to Guide Grammar Development.
In Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks, pp. 63-70.

Yvette Graham, Anton Bryl and Josef van Genabith
F-structure transfer-based statistical machine translation.
In Proceedings of LFG09, pp. 317-337, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Olga Gurevich and Scott Waterman
Mining of Parsed Data to Derive Deverbal Argument Structure.
In Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks, pp. 19-27.

Annette Hautli and Tracy Holloway King
Adapting stochastic LFG input for semantics.
In Proceedings of LFG09, pp. 357-377, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Ines Rehbein and Josef van Genabith
Automatic acquisition of LFG resources for German – as good as it gets.
In Proceedings of LFG09,pp. 480-500, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Lamia Tounsi, Mohammed Attia and Josef van Genabith
Parsing Arabic using treebank-based LFG resources.
In Proceedings of LFG09, pp. 583-586, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Annie Zaenen and Dick Crouch
OBLs hobble computations.
In Proceedings of LFG09, pp. 644-654, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Sina Zarrieß and Jonas Kuhn
Paraphrases in LFG-based broad-coverage semantics.
In Proceedings of LFG09, pp. 655-675, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Sina Zarrieß
Developing German Semantics on the basis of Parallel LFG Grammars.
In Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks, pp. 10-18.

Tina Bögel, Miriam Butt, and Sebastian Sulger
Urdu Ezafe and the Morphology-Syntax Interface.
In Proceedings of the LFG08, pp. 129-149, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Dick Crouch and Tracy Holloway King
Type-checking in Formally Non-typed Systems.
In roceedings of the ACL Workshop on Software Engineering, Testing, and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing, pp. 3-4.

Charlotte Price, Valeria de Paiva and Tracy Holloway King
Context Inducing Nouns.
In Proceedings of the Coling 2008 Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions, pp. 9-16.

Valeria de Paiva and Tracy Holloway King
Designing Testsuites for Grammar-based Systems in Applications.
In Proceedings of the Coling 2008 Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks, pp. 49-56.

Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King
XLE and XFR: A Grammar Development Platform with a Parser/Generator and Rewrite System.
International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON) Tutorial.

Aoife Cahill, Martin Forst and Christian Rohrer
Stochastic Realisation Ranking for a Free Word Order Language.
In Busemann, S. (ed.) Proceedings of the European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG-07).

Martin Forst
Filling Statistics with Linguistics - Property Design for the Disambiguation of German LFG Parses.
Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing.

Nikos Chatzichrisafis, Dick Crouch, Tracy Holloway King, Rowan Nairn, Manny Rayner and Marianne Santaholma
Regression Testing For Grammar-Based Systems.
In Proceedings of the Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF07) Workshop, pp. 128-143, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Tracy Holloway King and John T. Maxwell III
Overlay Mechanisms for Multi-level Deep Processing Applications.
In Proceedings of the Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF07) Workshop, pp. 182-202, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Ji Fang and Tracy Holloway King
An LFG Chinese Grammar for Machine Use.
In Proceedings of the Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF07) Workshop, pp. 144-160, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Miriam Butt, Tracy Holloway King and Sebastian Roth
Urdu Correlatives: Theoretical and Implementational Issues.
In Proceedings of LFG07, pp. 107-127, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Aoife Cahill, Martin Forst and Christian Rohrer
Designing Features for Parse Disambiguation and Realisation Ranking.
In Proceedings of LFG07, pp. 128-147, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Anette Frank, Hans-Ulrich Krieger, Feiyu Xu, Hans Uszkoreit, Berhold Crysmann, Brigitte Joerg and Ulrich Schaefer
Question Answering from Structured Knowledge Sources
In Journal of Applied Logic, Special Issue on Questions and Answers: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives, 5(1), pp. 20-48.

Aoife Cahill, Tracy Holloway King and John T. Maxwell III
Pruning the Search Space of a Hand-Crafted Parsing System with a Probabilistic Parser.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing, pp. 65-72.

Victoria Rosén, Paul Meurer and Koenraad De Smedt
Designing and Implementing Discriminants for LFG Grammars.
In Proceedings of LFG07, pp. 397-417, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Mohammed A. Attia
Accommodating Multiword Expressions in an Arabic LFG Grammar.
In T. Salakoski et al. (Eds.)FinTAL 2006, LNAI 4139, pp. 87-98. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Mohammed A. Attia
An Ambiguity-Controlled Morphological Analyzer for Modern Standard Arabic Modelling Finite State Networks.
The Challenge of Arabic for NLP/MT Conference, October 2006. The British Computer Society, London.

Aljoscha Burchardt and Anette Frank
Approximating Textual Entailment with LFG and FrameNet Frames
In Proceedings of the second PASCAL Recognizing Textual Entailment Workshop, pp. 92-97, Venice, Italy.

Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King
Restriction for Morphological Valency Alternations: The Urdu Causative.
In M. Butt, M. Dalrymple, and T.H. King (Eds.) Intelligent Linguistic Architecturs: Variations on Themes by Ronald M Kaplan, pp. 235-258, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Ozlem Cetinoglu and Kemal Oflazer
Morphology-syntax interface for Turkish LFG
In Proceedings of COLING/ACL2006 - Joint conference of the International Committee on Computational Linguistics and the Association for Computational Linguistics, Sydney, Australia.

Mary Dalrymple, Maria Liakata and Lisa Mackie
Tokenization and Morphological Analysis for Malagasy.
In International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, 11(4), pp. 315-332. Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

Tomoko Ohkuma, Hiroshi Masuichi and Takeshi Yoshioka
Disambiguation of Japanese Focus Particles by using Lexical Functional Grammar.
In Journal of Natural Language Processing, 13(1), pp. 27-52. (In Japanese)

Beau Sheil and Bjarne Ørsnes
Using Large scale external dictionaries in LFG grammars.
In M. Butt, M. Dalrymple, and T.H. King (Eds.) Intelligent Linguistic Architecturs: Variations on Themes by Ronald M Kaplan, pp. 167-198, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Hiroshi Umemoto
Implementing a Japanese Semantic Parser Based on Glue Approach.
In Proceedings of The 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation.

Mohammed A. Attia
Developing a Robust Arabic Morphological Transducer Using Finite State Technology.
In 8th Annual CLUK Research Colloquium, Manchester.

Dick Crouch and Tracy Holloway King
Unifying Lexical Resources.
In Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Identification and Representation of Verb Features and Verb Classes, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Dan Flickinger, Jan Tore Lonning, Helge Dyvik, Stephan Oepen, and Francis Bond
SEM-I rational MT. Enriching deep grammars with a semantic interface for scalable machine translation.
In Proceedings of the 10th Machine Translation Summit, pp. 165-172, Phuket, Thailand.

Martin Forst, Jonas Kuhn, and Christian Rohrer
Corpus-based learning of OT constraint rankings for large-scale LFG grammars.
In Proceedings of the LFG05 Conference, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Ron Kaplan, Richard Crouch, Tracy Holloway King, Michael Tepper and Danny Bobrow
A Note-taking Appliance for Intelligence Analysis.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligence Analysis, McClean, VA.

Tracy Holloway King, Martin Forst, Jonas Kuhn and Miriam Butt
The Feature Space in Parallel Grammar Writing.
In E. Bender, D. Flickinger, F. Fouvry and M. Siegel (Eds.) Journal of Research on Language and Computation; Special Issue on “Shared Representations in Multilingual Grammar Engineering”, Kluwer Academic Press.

Bjarne Ørsnes
Automatisk opbygning af et LFG-baseret datamatisk leksikon for dansk. [The automatic construction of an LFG-based computational lexicon for Danish]
Nordisk Sprogteknologi. Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk forskningsprogram 2000-2004. Red. Henrik Holmboe. Museum Tusculanums Forlag.

Victoria Rosen, Paul Meurer and Koenraad De Smedt
Constructing a parsed corpus with a large LFG grammar.
In Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 10th International LFG Conference, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Kathrin Spreyer and Anette Frank
The TIGER 700 RMRS Bank: RMRS Construction from Dependencies.
In Proceedings of LINC 2005, pp. 1-10, Jeju Island, Korea.

Kathrin Spreyer and Anette Frank
Projecting RMRS from TIGER Dependencies.
In Proceedings of the HPSG 2005 Conference, pp. 354-363, Lisbon, Portugal.

Richard Crouch, Tracy Holloway King, John T. Maxwell III, Stefan Riezler and Annie Zaenen
Exploiting F-structure Input for Sentence Condensation.
In Proceedings of the LFG04 Conference,pp. 167-187, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Mary Dalrymple, Ron Kaplan and Tracy Holloway King
Linguistics Generalizations over Descriptions.
In Proceedings of the LFG04 Conference, pp. 199-208, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Mary Dalrymple, Helge Dyvik and Tracy Holloway King
Copular Complements: Closed or Open?
In Proceedings of the LFG04 Conference, pp. 188-198, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Ron Kaplan, John T. Maxwell III, Tracy Holloway King and Richard Crouch
Integrating Finite-state Technology with Deep LFG Grammars.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Combining Shallow and Deep Processing for NLP (ESSLLI).

Ronald M. Kaplan, Stefan Riezler, Tracy Holloway King, John T. Maxwell III, Alexander Vasserman and Richard Crouch
Speed and Accuracy in Shallow and Deep Stochastic Parsing.
In Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference and the 4th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (HLT-NAACL’04), Boston, MA.

Bjarne Ørsnes and Jürgen Wedekind
Parallelle datamatiske grammatikker for Norsk og Dansk: Analyse og Disambiguering af modalverber. [Parallel computational grammars for Norwegian and Danish: Analysis and disambiguation of modal verbs]
Nordisk Sprogteknologi. Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk forskningsprogram 2000-2004. Red. Henrik Holmboe. Museum Tusculanums Forlag.

Jürgen Wedekind and Bjarne Ørsnes
An Account of the Danish Verbal Complex and its Topicalization.
In Acta Linguistica Hafniensia, volume 36, pp. 35-65.