ParGram Meeting: Nov. 28th & 29th 2022

Monday, 2022-11-28 // 3:30 to 6pm
(local German time GMT+1)

Time Topic - Presentations & Discussions
3:30 - 4:30 pm Towards LFG-based Parallel Semantic Treebanks -- Theoretical Considerations and Infrastructure
(Mark-Matthias Zymla)
4:30 - 4:45 pm Break
4:45 - 5:45 pm Resultatives vs. Adj-V complex predicates
(Miriam Butt & Tafseer Ahmed Khan)

Tuesday, 2022-11-29 // 3:30 to 6pm
(local German time GMT+1)

Time Topic
3:30 - 5 pm ParGram Organization
  1. Set up of “Office Hours for XLE and grammar development help”
    • Office hours Proposal: Experienced Grammar Writer’s share their Experience with Newer Grammar Writers
    • Proposal of Discord Channel for General Communication and Office Hours “Location”
    • XLE Access
  2. Organization of writing more entries for the ParGram Wiki
5 - 5:15 pm Break
5:15 - 6 pm First XLE Office Hour
  • Support for grammar engineering
  • Support for arriving at crosslinguistically viable analyses