Some downloadable papers and presentations
- Penka, Doris and Maribel Romero. To appear. The German particle denn in a Scoreboard model of discourse. Talk at Sinn und Bedeutung 29. Slides and paper.
- Montero, Raquel, Leah Doroski and Maribel Romero. To appear. Spanish Neg-raising: Mood effects on NPI licensing. Poster at Sinn und Bedeutung 29. Poster and paper.
- Romero, Maribel. 2024. Mood across constructions: A unified approach. In Yao Zhang, Fengyue Lisa Zhao, Youngdong Cho and Yifan Wu, eds., Semantics and Linguistic Theory 34, pp. 584-604. LSA Journals.
- Romero, Maribel. 2024. On conservativity and other cross-linguistic semantic generalizations. Invited Whatmough Lecture 2024, Harvard University, April 29, 2024. Slides.
- Mohammadi, Maryam and Maribel Romero. 2024. Polar particles in Farsi: Anaphora in the Scoreboard model of discourse. In Geraldine Baumann, Daniel Gutzmann, Jonas Koopman, Kristina Liefke, Agata Renans and Tatjana Scheffler, eds., Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 28, pp. 610-629. University of Bochum.
- Romero, Maribel. 2024. Biased Polar Questions. Annual Review of Linguistics 10: 279-302.
- Özyıldız, Deniz, Ciyang Qing, Floris Roelofsen, Maribel Romero and Wataru Uegaki. 2023. A Crosslinguistic Database for Combinatorial and Semantic Properties of Attitude Predicates.. In Proceedings of the SIGTYP Workshop at EACL 2023.
- Romero, Maribel. 2023. Revising "really" positive questions and high negation questions. Handout. International Workshop on Non-canonical Questions. University of Toronto, May 17-18,2023.
- Montero, Raquel and Maribel Romero. 2023. Examining the meaning of polarity Subjunctive. In Suet-Ying Lam and Satoru Ozaki, eds., Proceedings of NELS 53, vol. 2, pp. 219-232.
- Kalouli, Aikaterini-Lida, Rita Sevastjanova, Christin Beck and Maribel Romero. 2022. Negation, Coordination, and Quantifiers in Contextualized Language Models. In International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING). Ithaca, NY: arXiv at Cornell University.
- Romero, Maribel and Erlinde Meertens. 2022. Q-Particles and islands in Sinhala Wh- and polar questions, Acta Linguistica Academica 69.1: 104–127.
- Djärv, Kajsa and Maribel Romero. 2022. (Non-)factive (non-)islands and meaning-based approaches. In Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 31.
- Romero, Maribel. 2021. The many readings of many: POS in the reverse proportional reading, Linguistics and Philosophy 44: 281–321.
- Czypionka, Anna, Maribel Romero and Josef Bayer. 2021. Question-sensitive discourse particles at the interfaces of syntax, semantics and pragmatics – an experimental approach, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 5(1): 24. 1–34.
- Arnhold, Anja, Bettina Braun and Maribel Romero. 2021. Aren’t prosody and syntax marking bias in questions?, Language and Speech 64(1): 141–180.
- Romero, Maribel, Erlinde Meertens and Andrea Beltrama. 2021. Or not alternative questions, focus and discourse structure. In A. Beltrama, F. Schwarz and A. Papafragou, eds., Proceedings of Experiments on Linguistic Meaning 1. Pp. 249–260. LSA Journals.
- Romero, Maribel. 2020. Form and Function of Negative, Tag, and Rhetorical Questions. In V. Deprez and M. T. Espinal, eds., Oxford Handbook of Negation. Chapter 14, pp. 235–254. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Beltrama, Andrea, Erlinde Meertens and Maribel Romero. 2020. Alternative questions: Distinguishing between negated and complementary disjuncts, Semantics and Pragmatics 13: 1-27.
- Romero, Maribel. 2019. Some Notes on Connectivity and Predicational Copular Sentences. In M. Krifka and M. Schenner, eds., Reconstruction Effects in Relative Clauses. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter. Pp. 263–282.
- Romero, Maribel and Eva Csipak. 2019. Counterfactual biscuit conditionals: A temporal remoteness account. In K. Blake, F. Davis, K. Lamp and J. Rhyne, eds., Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 29. Pp. 441-458. LSA Journals.
- Meertens, Erlinde, Sophie Egger and Maribel Romero. 2019. Multiple accent in alternative questions. In M.T. Espinal, E. Castroviejo, M. Leonetti, L. McNally and C. Real-Puigdollers, eds., Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 23, vol. 2, pp. 179–196.
- Romero, Maribel. 2018. The conservativity of Many: Split Scope and Most, Topoi 37(3): 393–404.
- Beltrama, Andrea, Erlinde Meertens and Maribel Romero. 2018. Decomposing Cornering Effects. An Experimental Study. In U. Sauerland and S. Solt, eds., Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22. vol 1. Pp. 175–190.
- Romero, Maribel. 2018. Attributive Uses of many. In D. Burgdorf, J. Collard, S. Maspong, and B. Stefánsdóttir, eds., Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 27. Pp. 480-503. LSA Journals.
Romero, Maribel and Regine Eckardt.
Sein oder Nichtsein? Alternativfragen und ihre Fallen
, presentation at the Long Night of Science. University of Konstanz, June 23, 2018. Slides. -
Romero, Maribel.
Was wir tun, wenn wir eine Frage stellen
, invited presentation at the lecture series Treffpunkt Sprache. Humboldt University Berlin, January 23, 2018. Slides.
- Domaneschi, Filippo, Maribel Romero and Bettina Braun. 2017. Bias in Polar Questions: Evidence from English and German Production Experiments, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 2(1): 26, pp. 1–28.
Romero, Maribel.
Tense and Mood in Counterfactual Conditionals: The View from Spanish
. In A. Cremens, T. van Gessel & F. Roelofsen, eds., Proceedings of the 21st Amsterdam Colloquium. Pp. 375–384. Paper and final handout. -
Romero, Maribel.
German discourse particles in questions
, invited talk at the workshop Inquisitiveness Below and Beyond the Sentence Boundary (InqBnB2). University of Amsterdam, December 18–19, 2017. Handout. -
Romero, Maribel, Anja Arnhold, Bettina Braun and Filippo Domaneschi.
Negative Polar Question Types in English
. In A. Lamont & K. Tetzloff, eds., Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society 47, vol 3. Pp. 35–48. Amherst, MA: GLSA.
- Romero, Maribel. 2016. Strong Exhaustivity, Alternative Questions and Monotonicity: Some thoughts on Cremers and Chemla (2016). Handout at the workshop Disjunction Days (ZAS, June 2–3, 2016).
- Walker, Andreas and Maribel Romero. 2016. High and low readings in indicative donkeys. In N. Bade, P. Berezovskaya & A. Schöller, eds., Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 20. Pp. 761–778.
- Romero, Maribel. 2015. The conservativity of many. In T. Brochhagen, F. Roelofsen & N. Theiler, eds., Proceedings of the 20th Amsterdam Colloquium, pp. 20–29. Paper and final handout.
- Romero, Maribel. 2015. POS, -est and reverse readings of many and most. Handout at NELS 46 (October 16–18, 2015) and pre-final version of the paper in Proceedings of NELS 46.
- Walker, Andreas and Maribel Romero. 2015. Counterfactual donkey sentences: A strict conditional analysis. In S. D’Antonio, M. Morroney and C. R. Little, eds., Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 25. ISSN: 2163-5951. Pp. 288–307.
- Romero, Maribel. 2015. High Negation in Subjunctive Conditionals and Polar Questions. In Eva Csipak and Hedde Zeijlstra, eds., Proceedings of Sinn and Bedeutung 19. Pp. 519–536.
- Romero, Maribel. 2015. Surprise-predicates, strong exhaustivity and alternative questions. In S. D'Antonio, M. Morroney and C.R. Little, eds., Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 25i>. ISSN: 2163–5951. Pp. 225–245.
Romero, Maribel.
Fake Tense in Counterfactuals: A Temporal Remoteness Apporach
. In Luka Crnic and Uli Sauerland, eds., The Arts and Craft of Semantics: A Festschrift for Irene Heim, vol. 2, MITWPL 71, pp. 47–63.
- Romero, Maribel. 2013. Modal Superlatives: A Compositional Analysis, Natural Language Semantics 21.1, pp. 79–110.
- Romero, Maribel. 2013. Decomposing modal superlatives. In Y. Fainleib, N. LaCara and Y. Park, eds., Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistics Society. Amherst, Mass.: GLSA. Pp. 151–164.
- Romero, Maribel. 2013. Mood selection in Romance Complement Clauses. Talk at the Linguistics Colloquium at the University of Potsdam, July 2, 2013.
- Romero, Maribel. 2012. From Form to Meaning. Plenary speaker at the 34th Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. March 7-9, 2012.
Romero, Maribel.
Modal Superlatives and 2-Place vs. 3-Place -est
, The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Language and Communication 6, pp. 1–39. Pre-print version.
Romero, Maribel.
Decomposing Modal Superlatives
, talk at the North East Linguistic Society 41, University of Pennsylvania. October 22–24, 2010. -
Romero, Maribel.
Concealed Questions with Quantifiers
, in M. Aloni et al. (eds.): Logic, Language and Meaning, pp. 21–31. Springer. Pre-final version. - Novel, Marc and Maribel Romero. 2010. Movement, Variables and Hamblin Semantics. In M. Prinzhorn, V. Schmitt and S. Zobel, eds., Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 14, pp. 322–338. University of Vienna.
- Romero, Maribel. 2009. Concealed Questions with Quantifiers, talk at the Workshop on Noun Phrases in Intensional Contexts, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. June 5–7, 2009.
- Romero, Maribel. 2008. The temperature paradox and temporal interpretation, Linguistic Inquiry 39.4: 665–667.
- Kallmeyer, Laura and Maribel Romero. 2008. Scope and Situation Binding in LTAG using Semantic Unification, Research on Language and Computation 6.1: 3–52.
- Romero, Maribel. 2007. On Concealed Questions. In M. Gibson and J. Howell, eds., Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory XVI, pp. 208–227. Ithaca, NY: CLC.
- Joshi, Aravind, Laura Kallmeyer and Maribel Romero. 2007. Flexible Composition in LTAG: Quantifier Scope and Inverse Linking. In Harry Bunt and Reinhard Muskens, eds., Computing Meaning 3. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophyi>. Dordrecht: Springer. Pp. 233–256.
- Kallmeyer, Laura and Maribel Romero. 2007. Reflexives and Reciprocals in LTAG. In Jeroen Geertzen, Elias Thijsse, Harry Bunt and Amanda Schiffrin, eds., Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Computational Semantics IWCS-7. Tilburg, January 2007. Pp. 271–282.
- Romero, Maribel. 2006. Biased Yes/No Questions: The Role of VERUM, Sprache und Datenverarbeitung 30: 9–24.
- Romero, Maribel. 2005. Concealed Questions and Specificational Subjects, Linguistics and Philosophy 28.6: 687–737.
- Han, Chung-Hye and Maribel Romero. 2004. Disjunction, Focus, and Scope, Linguistic Inquiry 35.2: 179–217.
- Romero, Maribel and Chung-Hye Han. 2004. On Negative Yes/No Questions, Linguistics and Philosophy 27.5: 609–658.
- Han, Chung-Hye and Maribel Romero. 2004. The Syntax of Whether/Q...Or Questions: Ellipsis Combined with Movement, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 22.3: 527–564.
- Romero, Maribel. 2004. Intensional Noun Phrases with know and be, Catalan Journal of Linguistics 3: 147–178.
- Romero, Maribel. 2004. Tense and Intensionality in Specificational Copular Sentences. In R. B. Young, ed., Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory XIV. Ithaca, NY: CLC. Pp. 271–288.
Romero, Maribel.
Correlate restriction and definiteness effect in ellipsis
. In Kerstin Schwabe & Susanne Winkler, eds., The interfaces: Deriving and interpreting omitted structures, 263–300. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
- Romero, Maribel and Chung-hye Han. 2002. Verum Focus in Negative Yes/No Questions and Ladd’s p/¬p Ambiguity. In Brendan Jackson, ed., Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory XII. Ithaca, NY: CLC Publications. Pp. 204–224.
- Han, Chung-hye and Maribel Romero. 2001. Negation, Focus and Alternative Questions. In Karine Megerdoomian and Leora Anne Bar-el, eds., Proceedings of the West Coast Conference in Formal Linguistics XX. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla. Pp. 262–275.
- Romero, Maribel and Chung-hye Han. 2001. On Certain Epistemic Implicatures in Yes/No Questions. In Robert van Rooy and Martin Stokhof, eds., Proceedings of the Thirteenth Amsterdam Colloquium. Amsterdam: ILLC/Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam. Pp. 168–173.
- Romero, Maribel. 2000. Reduced Conditionals and Focus. In B. Jackson and T. Matthews, eds., Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory X. Ithaca, NY: CLC Publications. Pp. 149–166.
- Romero, Maribel. 2000. Antecedentless sluiced wh-phrases and islands. In Kerstin Schwabe & Ning Zhang, eds., Ellipsis in conjunction, 195–220. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Some papers before 2000
Romero, Maribel.
A problem for choice functions: Local presupposition contexts
. In Paul Dekker, Martin Stokhof & Yde Venema, eds., Proceedings of the Eleventh Amsterdam Colloquium, 259–264. Amsterdam: ILLC/Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam. - Romero, Maribel. 1997. Recoverability conditions for sluicing. In Francis Corblin, Daničle Godard & Jean-Marie Marandin, eds., Empiricial issues in formal syntax and semantics: Selected papers from the Colloque de Syntaxe et de Semantique de Paris, 193–216. New York: Peter Lang.
Romero, Maribel. 1998. Focus and Reconstruction Effects in Wh-Phrases. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.