The International Lexical Functional Grammar Association, ILFGA for short, is the official organization for those interested in Lexical-Functional Grammar and related topics. For more information, consult the LFG Homepage or our social media pages.
To join the ILFGA mailing list or to send a mail to all list subscribers go to and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page. By joining the email list, you will become a member of ILFGA.
The database includes contact information as well as information as to research interests and languages. To be added to the database, please contact Jessica Zipf.
Donations to support LFG can be made via JustGiving and LFGAUK.
LFGAUK is a UK-registered charity which serves as a subsidiary for the ILFGA for handling finances. Donations to the LFGAUK are eligible for Gift Aid in the UK, and may count as tax deductible elsewhere.
Donations can also be made in person at the LFG conference. For other methods of donating, please contact the secretary-treasurer.
Members of the Association can be elected for office in the Association, vote in elections, and participate in the Annual Business Meeting, held at the Annual Conference, as outlined in the Constitution.
Joining the Association:
To join the ILFGA mailing list go to and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page.
By joining the email list, you will become a member of ILFGA.
Communicating with the Association:
To communicate with the Association, send mail to the Secretary-Treasurer.
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