

This page provides a wide range of LFG resources: Introductory Books, Teaching Material, LFG Systems & Demos, and other...

Teaching Material:

Problem sets and teaching material:

  • The late Yehuda Falk maintained a web page for his 2001 textbook Lexical-Functional Grammar: An Introduction to Parallel Constraint-Based Syntax (CSLI Publications). His Courses web page contains additional material related to LFG teaching.
    Yehuda died in 2012, but the links to his page are still working. There is also a copy of his page (including the Course material) here
  • Miriam Butt's Teaching Materials web page contains links to course material, slides, and handouts for LFG and other topics. Some of the material is in German.
  • Steve Wechsler's Course Websites includes courses in LFG as well as English grammar, word meaning, and semantics.

Special events:

  • Course material from Mary Dalrymple's two-day course Semantics, information structure, and prosody in LFG, Oslo, February 2012.
  • Course material from Mary Dalrymple, John Lowe, and Louise Mycock's course Prosody, focus, and the syntax-prosody-semantics interface in LFG, Konstanz, November-December 2012.
  • Course material from Mary Dalrymple's presentation on LFG at the York Frameworks meeting, York, May 2010.
  • Slides and teaching material from the 2004 Winter School in LFG and Computational Linguistics, Christchurch, New Zealand. Included are links to material for the following courses: Introduction to Lexical Functional Grammar (Kersti Börjars, Nigel Vincent and Ash Asudeh); Computational linguistics lab class (Ash Asudeh and Mary Dalrymple); Issues in Computational Linguistics (Richard Crouch and Tracy Holloway King); Advanced topic in LFG: Agreement (Mary Dalrymple and Louisa Sadler).

Inroductory Books on LFG

Recently published:
More Introductory Works

Standard Selections of Articles:

  • Bresnan, Joan, editor. 1982. The Mental Representation of Grammatical Relations. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
  • Levin, Lori S., Malka Rappaport, and Annie Zaenen, editors. 1983. Papers in Lexical-Functional Grammar. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Linguistics Club. Reissued in 2005 as Lexical Semantics in LFG, edited by Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King. CSLI Publications.
  • Dalrymple, Mary, Ronald M. Kaplan, John T. Maxwell, III, and Annie Zaenen, editors. 1995. Formal Issues in Lexical-Functional Grammar. CSLI Publications. It is available here.
  • Butt, Miriam, and Tracy Holloway King, editors. 2000. Argument Realization. CSLI Publications.
  • Butt, Miriam, and Tracy Holloway King, editors. 2001. Time over Matter: Diachronic Perspectives on Morphosyntax. CSLI Publications.
  • Sells, Peter, editor. 2001. Formal and Empirical Issues in Optimality Theoretic Syntax. CSLI Publications.
  • Butt, Miriam, and Tracy Holloway King, editors. 2003. Nominals: Inside and Out. CSLI Publications.
  • Sadler, Louisa, and Andrew Spencer, editors. 2004. Projecting Morphology. CSLI Publications.
  • Grimshaw, Jane, Joan Maling, Chris Manning, Jane Simpson, and Annie Zaenen, editors. 2006. Architectures, Rules, and Preferences: A Festschrift for Joan Bresnan. CSLI Publications.
  • Butt, Miriam, Mary Dalrymple, and Tracy Holloway King, editors. 2006. Intelligent Linguistic Architectures: Variations on Themes by Ronald M. Kaplan. CSLI Publications.
  • Holloway-King, Tracy and Valeria de Paiva, editors. 2013. From Quirky Case to Representing Space: Papers in Honor of Annie Zaenen. CSLI Publications, Stanford, Ca. [On-line, here].

LFG Systems & Demos

  • The Xerox Linguistic Environment (XLE). XLE consists of algorithms for parsing and generating large LFG grammars along with a rich graphical user interface for writing and debugging such grammars. The system is maintained and hosted at the University of Konstanz.
  • XLE Web-Interface:
    A a web-based tool for parsing with LFG grammars.

The following are publicly available implementations (in some sense) of LFG. The ordering is random:

  • The Xerox Grammar Writer's Workbench
  • Avery Andrews's systems: Baby Glue, lfgw, lfg-pc
  • The geta_run system, developed by Rodolfo Delmonte (Universita' Ca' Foscari, VENEZIA) and Dario Bianchi (University of Parma), provides a web interface to a system that produces LFG-style F-Structures.
  • GFU-LAB is a Prolog implementation by Juan C. Ruiz-Anton. It uses SWI-Prolog, and should run under Linux and/or Windows.
  • XLFG is a parser prototype which implements the LFG formalism, developed by Lionel Clément. It is distributed as free software.
  • It is not really a system, as such, but the INESS website provides tree banks for various languages, including LFG style ones developed in the Pargram project (see under development efforts, and here.
  • The ALE system integrates phrase structure parsing, semantic-head-driven generation and constraint logic programming with typed feature structures as terms; ''with suitable coding, it can also execute several aspects of Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG).''

LFG Bibliography

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LFG Bibliography is a comprehensive bibliography of published and unpublished works written in the framework of Lexical Functional Grammar, originally compiled by Peter Austin and Mary Dalrymple, with assistance from Joan Bresnan and Trudy Vizmanos. Avery Andrews maintained the Bibliography until 2002, Miriam Butt until 2007, Aoife Cahill until 2010 and Meladel Mistica until 2014. Please send corrections and additions to Jessica Zipf.
Last Updated: October, 2014.