Nicole Dehé, Publications & Presentations
Last update by Nicole Dehé: Sun, 14 January 2024
Current research focuses mainly on Insular Scandinavian intonation (Icelandic, Faroese), the phonology of North American Icelandic ('heritage Icelandic'), and the prosody of rhetorical questions across languages.
Dehé, Particle verbs in English, book cover Dehé -- Parentheticals in spoken English
Currently in preparation, or under review or revision for publication
In prep.Eckardt, Regine, George Walkden & Nicole Dehé (eds.), The Handbook of Noncanonical Questions. Oxford University Press. (Under contract)
Authored Books
2014. Dehé, Nicole. Parentheticals in Spoken English: The Syntax-Prosody Relation (Studies in English Language). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2002. Dehé, Nicole. Particle Verbs in English: Syntax, Information Structure, and Intonation (Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 59). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Co-edited Volumes pros-prag2009
2011. Dehé, Nicole, Ingo Feldhausen & Shinichiro Ishihara, Lingua 121(13) Special issue: New Insights into the Prosody-Syntax Interface: Focus, Phrasing, Language Evolution; pp. 1863-2034. Eight contributions. With an editorial by the editors.
2009. Barth-Weingarten, Dagmar, Nicole Dehé & Anne Wichmann (eds.). Where Prosody meets Pragmatics (Studies in Pragmatics 8). Bingley: Emerald. 
2007. Dehé, Nicole & Yordanka Kavalova (eds.). Parentheticals (= Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 106). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
2002. Dehé, Nicole, Ray Jackendoff, Andrew McIntyre & Silke Urban (eds.). Verb-Particle Explorations (= Interface Explorations 1). Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
2001. Dehé, Nicole & Anja Wanner (eds.). Structural Aspects of Semantically Complex Verbs. Berlin/Frankfurt/New York: Peter Lang. (download Introduction*)

Peer-reviewed journal papers (check KOPS Uni Konstanz or ResearchGate for downloadable papers)

2022 (online first).Dehé, Nicole, Marieke Einfeldt & Daniela Wochner. The interaction of discourse markers and prosody in rhetorical questions in German. Journal of Linguistics (Open Access).
2022 (online first).Dehé, Nicole & Daniela Wochner. Voice quality and speaking rate in Icelandic rhetorical questions. Nordic Journal of Linguistics (Open Access).
2022. Katharina Zahner, Yiya Chen, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. Prosodic differences between rhetorical and information-seeking questions in Standard Chinese. Journal of Phonetics 95, Article 101190. (Open Access).
2022. Dehé, Nicole & Tanja Kupisch. Prepositional Phrases and case in North American ('heritage') Icelandic. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 45(3): 254-280. (Open Access).
2022.Zahner-Ritter, Katharina, Marieke Einfeldt, Daniela Wochner, Angela James, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. Three kinds of rising-falling contours in German wh-questions: Evidence from form and function. Frontiers in Communication 7 (Open Access).
2022. Dehé, Nicole, Bettina Braun, Marieke Einfeldt, Daniela Wochner & Katharina Zahner-Ritter. The prosody of rhetorical questions: A cross-linguistic view. Linguistische Berichte 269: 3-42. 
2020. Dehé, Nicole & Bettina Braun. The prosody of rhetorical questions in English. English Language and Linguistics 24(4): 607-635. (abstract/paper)
2020. Dehé, Nicole & Bettina Braun. The intonation of information seeking and rhetorical questions in Icelandic. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 32(1): 1-42. (abstract/paper)
2020. Gómez González, María de los Ángeles & Nicole Dehé. The pragmatics and prosody of variable tag questions in English: Uncovering function-to-form correlations. Journal of Pragmatics 158: 33-52. (abstract/paper)
2019. Dehé, Nicole. 'Minimal adaptation' and the edges of prosodic domains. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 9(6): 833-837. (journal issue)
2019. Braun, Bettina, Nicole Dehé, Jana Neitsch, Daniela Wochner & Katharina Zahner. The prosody of rhetorical and information-seeking questions in German. Language and Speech 62(4): 779-807. (abstract/paper)
2019. Braun, Bettina, Yuki Asano & Nicole Dehé. When (not) to look for contrastive alternatives: the role of pitch accent types and additive particles. Language and Speech 62(4): 751-778. (abstract/paper)
2018. Dehé, Nicole. The intonation of polar questions in North American ('heritage') Icelandic. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 30(3): 213-259. (abstract/paper
2018. Dehé, Nicole. The prosodic phrasing of parenthetical comment clauses in spontaneous spoken language: Evidence from Icelandic held égStudia Linguistica 72(1): 128-164. (abstract/paper)
2018. Zhao, Lucy, Nicole Dehé & Victoria A. Murphy. From pitch to purpose: The prosodic-pragmatic mapping of [I + verb] belief constructions in English and Mandarin. Journal of Pragmatics 123: 57-77. (abstract/paper). 
2017. Schlücker, Barbara, Kati Hannken-Illjes & Nicole Dehé. Zuhören vs. Lesen: Verständnis literarischer Texte bei Schüler_innen. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik 67(1): 149-177. (abstract/paper).
2016. Dehé, Nicole & Katerina Stathi. Grammaticalization and prosody: the case of English sort/kind/type of constructions. Language 92(4): 911-947. (journal issue and download).
2015. Dehé, Nicole. The intonation of the Icelandic other-initiated repair expressions Ha 'Huh' and Hvað segirðu/Hvað sagðirðu 'What do/did you say'. Nordic Journal of Linguistics  38(2): 189-219. (abstract/paper)
2013. Dehé, Nicole & Bettina Braun. The prosody of question tags in English. English Language and Linguistics 17(1): 129-156. (abstract/paper)
2010. Dehé, Nicole & Anne Wichmann. The multifunctionality of epistemic parentheticals in discourse: prosodic cues to the semantic-pragmatic boundary. Functions of Language 17(1): 1-28. (abstract/paper)
2010. Dehé, Nicole. The nature and use of Icelandic prenuclear and nuclear pitch accents: Evidence from F0 alignment and syllable/segment duration. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 33(1): 31-65. (abstract/paper)
2010. Dehé, Nicole & Anne Wichmann. Sentence-initial I think (that) and I believe (that): Prosodic evidence for use as main clause, comment clause and discourse marker. Studies in Language 34(1): 36-74. (abstract/paper)
2009. Dehé, Nicole. Clausal parentheticals, intonational phrasing, and prosodic theory. Journal of Linguistics 45(3): 569-615. (abstract/paper)
2009. Dehé, Nicole. An intonational grammar for Icelandic. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 32(1): 5-34. (abstract/paper)
2009. Dehé, Nicole & Vieri Samek-Lodovici. On the prosody and syntax of DPs: Evidence from Italian noun adjective sequences. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 27(1): 45-75. (abstract/paper)
2008. Dehé, Nicole. To delete or not to delete: The contexts of Icelandic final vowel deletion. Lingua 118(5): 732-753. (abstract/paper)
2006. Dehé, Nicole & Yordanka Kavalova. The syntax, pragmatics and prosody of parenthetical whatEnglish Language and Linguistics 10(2): 289-320. (abstract/paper).
2005. Dehé, Nicole. The optimal placement of up and ab - A comparison. Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 8(3): 185-224. (abstract/paper)

Book chapters and introductions to edited volumes (check KOPS Uni Konstanz or ResearchGate for downloadable papers)

In print.Nicole Dehé & Meike Rommel. The intonation of declaratives and polar questions in Modern vs. heritage Icelandic. In Rajiv Rao (ed.), The Phonetics and Phonology of Heritage Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (accepted June 2022, to appear spring 2023)
2021. Dehé, Nicole. Prosodic evidence for the iconicity hypothesis in grammaticalization. In Wu, Fuxiang, Yang, Yonglong & Long, Haiping. Grammaticalization and Grammatical Studies, X (《语法化和语法研究 (十)》), pp. 429-459. Beijing: Commercial Press.
2020. Árnason, Kristján, Anja Arnhold, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Nicole Dehé, Amelie Dorn & Osahito Miyaoka. Prosodic systems, Chapter 19: The North Atlantic and the Arctic. In: The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody, ed. by Carlos Gussenhoven and Aoju Chen, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2016. Hannken-Illjes, Kati, Barbara Schlücker & Nicole Dehé. Literatur lieber hören? Zum Einfluss des Hörens auf die Rezeptionsmotivation bei literarischen Texten im Deutschunterricht. In: Stephanie Bung & Jenny Schrödl (eds.), Phänomen Hörbuch. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven und medialer Wandel, pp. 153-172. Bielefeld: Transcript. 
2015. Dehé, Nicole. Particle verbs in Germanic. In: Peter O. Müller, Ingeborg Ohnheiser, Susan Olsen & Franz Rainer (eds.), Word Formation, An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe [HSK series], pp. 611-626. Berlin: De Gruyter.
2013. Dehé, Nicole & Allison Wetterlin. Secondary stress in morphologically complex words in Faroese: a word game. In: Holden Härtl (ed.), Interfaces of Morphology. A Festschrift for Susan Olsen. [studia grammatica 74], pp 229-248. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. 
2011. Dehé, Nicole, Ingo Feldhausen & Shinichiro Ishihara. The prosody-syntax interface: Focus, phrasing, language evolution (Editorial). Lingua 121(13) special issue entitled New Insights into the Prosody-Syntax Interface: Focus, Phrasing, Language Evolution, pp. 1863-1869.
2009. Wichmann, Anne, Nicole Dehé & Dagmar Barth-Weingarten. Where prosody meets pragmatics: research at the interface. In: Dagmar Barth-Weingarten, Nicole Dehé & Anne Wichmann (eds.), Where Prosody meets Pragmatics (Studies in Pragmatics), pp. 1-20, Bingley: Emerald.
2007. Dehé, Nicole. The relation between syntactic and prosodic parenthesis. In: Nicole Dehé & Yordanka Kavalova (eds.), Parentheticals (= Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 106), pp. 261-284, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
2007. Dehé, Nicole & Yordanka Kavalova. Parentheticals: An introduction. In: Nicole Dehé & Yordanka Kavalova (eds.), Parentheticals (= Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 106), pp. 1-22, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
2002. Dehé, Nicole, Ray Jackendoff, Andrew McIntyre & Silke Urban. Introduction. In: Nicole Dehé, Ray Jackendoff, Andrew McIntyre & Silke Urban (eds.), Verb-Particle Explorations (= Interface Explorations 1), pp. 1-20, Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
2001. Dehé, Nicole. Transitive particle verbs in English: The neutral order. Evidence from speech production. In: Nicole Dehé & Anja Wanner (eds.), Structural Aspects of Semantically Complex Verbs, pp. 165-189, Berlin/Frankfurt/New York: Peter Lang.
2000. Dehé, Nicole. English particle verbs: Particles as functional categories. In: Hero Janßen (ed.), Verbal Projections (= Linguistische Arbeiten 420), pp. 105-121, Tübingen: Niemeyer.

Conference proceedings and working papers (check KOPS Uni Konstanz or ResearchGate for downloadable papers)

2023.Dehé, Nicole, Moritz Jakob, Meike Rommel & Christiane Ulbrich. The intonation of declaratives, polar questions and wh-questions in two varieties in Faroese. In: O. Niebuhr & M, Svensson Lundmark (eds), Proc. 13th Nordic Prosody Conference: Applied and
Multimodal Prosody Research,
Sonderborg, Denmark, 117-129. DOI: 10.2478/9788366675728-009. (paper)
2021. Braun, Bettina, Nicole Dehé, Marieke Einfeldt, Daniela Wochner & Katharina Zahner-Ritter. Testing acoustic voice quality classification across languages and speech styles. Proceedings of Interspeech (2021), 30 Aug - 3 Sept 2021, Brno, Czechia, pp 3920-3924. doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2021-315 (abstract, paper)
2020. Braun, Bettina, Marieke Einfeldt, Gloria Esposito & Nicole Dehé. The prosodic realization of rhetorical and information-seeking questions in German spontaneous speechProceedings of Speech Prosody, 10th International Conference (2020), 24-28 May 2020, Tokyo, Japan. pp 342-346, DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2020-70. (download paper)
2020. Zahner, Katharina, Manluolan Xu, Yiya Chen, Nicole Dehé, & Bettina Braun. The prosodic marking of rhetorical questions in Standard Chinese. Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 10th International Conference (2020), 24-28 May 2020, Tokyo, Japan. pp 389-393, DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2020-80. (download paper)
2018. Braun, Bettina, Daniela Wochner, Katharina Zahner & Nicole Dehé. Classification of interrogatives as information-seeking or rhetorical questions. Proceedings of the 17th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology (SST 2018), 4-7 Dec 2018 Sydney, Australia, ed. by Julien Epps, Joe Wolfe, John Smith and Caroline Jones, pp 125-128.
2018. Dehé, Nicole. The prosody of rhetorical questions. In: NELS 48: Proceedings of the Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society: Volume 1, ed. by Sherry Hucklebridge and Max Nelson, GLSA Publications. pp 173-192. (download paper)
2018. Dehé, Nicole, Bettina Braun & Daniela Wochner. The prosody of rhetorical vs. information-seeking questions in Icelandic.  Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 9th International Conference (2018), 13-16 June 2018, Poznan, Poland. pp 403-407, DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2018-82. (download paper)
2018. Wochner, Daniela & Nicole Dehé. Prosody meets pragmatics: a production study on German verb-first sentences. Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 9th International Conference (2018), 13-16 June 2018, Poznan, Poland, pp 418-422, DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2018-85.
2018. Neitsch, Jana, Bettina Braun & Nicole Dehé.  The role of prosody for the interpretation of rhetorical questions in German. Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 9th International Conference (2018), 13-16 June 2018, Poznan, Poland. pp 192-196, DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2018-39.
2015. Wochner, Daniela, Jana Schlegel, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. The prosodic marking of rhetorical questions in German. Proceedings of Interspeech 2015, 6-10 Sept 2015, Dresden, Germany.
2014. Butt, Miriam, Tina Bögel, Kristina Kotcheva, Christin Schätzle, Christian Rohrdantz, Dominik Sacha, Nicole Dehé & Daniel A. Keim. V1 in Icelandic: A multifactorial visualization of historical data. Proceedings of VisLR, Visualization as Added Value in the Development, Use and Evaluation of Language Resources; Workshop at the 9th Languages Resources Conference (LREC 2014), Reykjavík, 23-26 May 2014 (Workshop Proceedings ed. by Annette Hautli-Janisz, Verena Lyding & Christian Rohrdantz), pp 33-40. (download paper*)
2014. Dehé, Nicole. Final devoicing of /l/ in Reykjavík Icelandic. Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 7th International Conference, Dublin, 20-23 May 2014 (ed. by Nick Campbell, Dafydd Gibbon & Daniel Hirst). pp 757-761. (download paper*)
2010. Dehé, Nicole. The timing of nuclear and prenuclear Icelandic pitch accents. Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 5th International Conference, Chicago, IL, 11-14 May 2010. (download paper*)
2007. Dehé, Nicole & Vieri Samek-Lodovici. On the prosody and syntax of DPs: Evidence from Italian noun adjective sequences. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 19: 93-127. (This is an unrevised version of the NLLT paper.)
2006. Dehé, Nicole. Some notes on the focus-prosody relation and phrasing in Icelandic. In: Gösta Bruce & Merle Horne (eds.), Nordic Prosody - Proceedings of the IXth Conference, Lund 2004, pp. 47-56. Frankfurt/Berlin/New York: Peter Lang.
2004. Dehé, Nicole. On the order of objects in Icelandic double object constructions. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 16: 85-108.
2001. Dehé, Nicole. Intonation patterns of particle verb constructions in English. NELS 31: 183-197.
Dehé, Nicole. On particle verbs in English: More evidence from information structure. In: Nancy Mae Antrim, Grant Goodall, Martha Schulte-Nafeh & Vida Samiian (eds.), Proceedings of the 28th Western Conference on Linguistics, Vol. 11 (WECOL 1999), pp. 92-105, Department of Linguistics, California State University, Fresno.

Encyclopedia entry

2009. "Parentheticals". In The Pragmatics Encyclopedia, ed. by Louise Cummings. pp. 307-308. London & New York: Routledge. (download*)

Book reviews and notices

2012. Review of: Nomi Erteschik-Shir & Lisa Rochman (eds.). 2010. The Sound Patterns of Syntax [Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 29]. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Language 88(1): 197-199.
2010. Review of: Thomas Herbst & Susen Schüller (2008). Introduction to Syntactic Analysis. A Valency Approach. Tübingen: Gunter Narr. Anglistik 21(2): 230-232.
2010. Book notice: Collins Beverley & Inger M. Mees (2008). Practical Phonetics and Phonology - A resource book for students, 2nd edition. London/New York: Routledge. eLanguage.
2010. Review of: Brinton, Laurel J. (2008). The Comment Clause in English: Syntactic Origins and Pragmatic Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. English Language & Linguistics 14(1): 129-135.
2005. Review of: Mukherjee, Joybrato (2005). English Ditransitive Verbs: Aspects of Theory, Description and a Usage-based Model. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi. LINGUIST List 16.2055.
2004. Review of: Toivonen, Ida (2003). Non-Projecting Words: A Case Study of Swedish Particles [Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 58]. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. LINGUIST List 15.1857.

Presentations (Talks unless specified as posters)

  • Dehé, Nicole, with Christiane Ulbrich and Meike Rommel. Cross-linguistic influence in phonology: The case of heritage Icelandic. 6 December 2023, New Iceland Heritage Museum, Gimli, Manitoba.
  • Einfeldt, Marieke, Ekaterina Kazak, Angela James, Rita Sevastjanova, Daniela Wochner, Katharina Zahner-Ritter, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. The relevance and weighting of prosodic cues in question interpretation. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE) 2023, 2-4 June 2023, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. (Poster)
  • Dehé, Nicole. The function(s) of prosody in discourse. 10 Dec 2022, Sun Yat-Sen University, China. [virtual talk]
  • Günes, Güliz & Nicole Dehé. Don't deaccent given: A challenge to radical deaccentuation accounts from Icelandic. 55th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 24-27 Aug 2022, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Dehé, Nicole, Moritz Jakob, Meike Rommel & Christiane Ulbrich. The intonation of declaratives, polar questions and wh-questions in two varieties of Faroese. 13th Nordic Prosody Conference, 17-19 August 2022, Sonderborg, Denmark.
  • Ulbrich, Christiane, Nicole Dehé, Moritz Jakob & Meike Rommel. On Faroese intonation: comparing intonation patterns of the two Faroese varieties spoken in Vestmanna (Streymoy) and Klaksvik (Borðoy). Small languages, big ideas (SLBI), 30 June-1 July 2022, Oldenburg. (Poster)
  • Braun, Bettina, Nicole Dehé, Marieke Einfeldt, Angela James, Ekaterina Kazak, Rita Sevastjanova, Daniela Wochner, Katharina Zahner-Rtter. What makes a question rhetorical? Evidence from a multiple-cue perception experiment. Annual Conference of the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies: Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity in Language and Culture, 12-13 May 2022, Tartu, Estonian Literary Museum and University of Tartu.
  • Ulbrich, Christiane, Nicole Dehé, Moritz Jakob & Meike Rommel. On Faroese intonation: nuclear contours produced in Vestmanna (Streymoy). FiNo (Fonologi i Norden) 2022, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 13-14 Jan 2022.
  • Zahner-Ritter, Katharina, Marieke Einfeldt, Daniela Wochner, Angela James, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. Testing the distinctiveness of German rising-falling accents -- integrating evidence from from and function. Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P), 29-30 Sept 2021, Frankfurt a.M. (Germany). [virtual conference]
  • Dehé, Nicole & Daniela Wochner. Voice quality and speaking rate in Icelandic rhetorical questions. 4th conference on Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE 2021), 21-23 June 2021, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Universitat de Barcelona (Barcelona, Catalonia) [virtual conference] (Poster)
  • Dehé, Nicole & Christiane Ulbrich. The Faroese map task: Studying Faroese intonation. 12th International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics, 14-16 June 2021, Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan, University of Oslo, Norway.
  • Dehé, Nicole. The prosodic marking of rhetorical questions: A cross-linguistic view. Invited talk, ICU Linguistics Colloquium, 21 Nov 2020, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan. [virtual talk, watch here]
  • Dehé, Nicole. Prosodic and syntactic cues to rhetorical meaning. Invited keynote talk, Workshop 'Non-canonical Questions at the Syntax-Prosody interface', 12-13 Nov 2020, Paris, France. [virtual workshop]
  • Zahner, Katharina, Marieke Einfeldt, Bettina Braun & Nicole Dehé. Imitating alignment differences in German nuclear accents – is (L+H)* a category? LabPhon 17 Workshop 'Situating phonological contrast within the production-perception loop', 9 July 2020, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. [virtual conference]
  • Einfeldt, Marieke, Katharina Zahner, Rita Sevastjanova, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. Active learning systems as a solution for stimulus selection and data modelling in complex behavioural study designs? LabPhon 17 Workshop 'Cue weighting: Thinking Outside the Box!', 5 July 2020, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. [virtual conference]
  • Dehé, Nicole. Would you know a rhetorical question if you heard one? 1 July 2020, Bergische Universität Wuppertal. [virtual talk]
  • Braun, Bettina, Marieke Einfeldt, Gloria Esposito & Nicole Dehé. The prosodic realization of rhetorical and information-seeking questions in German spontaneous speech. Speech Prosody, 10th International Conference (2020), 24-28 May 2020, Tokyo, Japan. [virtual conference]
  • Zahner, Katharina, Manluolan Xu, Yiya Chen, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. The prosodic  marking of rhetorical questions in Standard Chinese. Speech Prosody 2020, 10th International Conference, 24-28 May 2020, Tokyo, Japan. [virtual conference]
  • Dehé, Nicole. A cross-linguistic view on the prosody of rhetorical questions, invited talk, the joint Simon Fraser University/University of British Columbia Linguistics NOW colloquium, 13 March 2020, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Prepositions and the relative vulnerability of lexicon and morpho-syntax in Heritage Icelandic, 12 March 2020, Spring 2020 Linguistics Colloquia Series, Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Grammaticalization and prosody, 4 November 2019, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Grammaticalization and prosody, 31 October 2019, Changshu Institute of Technology, Changshu, China.
  • Dehé, Nicole. A cross-linguistic view on the prosody of rhetorical questions, 30 October 2019, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Prosodic evidence for the iconicity hypothesis in grammaticalization. Conference on Chinese Grammaticalization, 26 October 2019, China Three Gorges University, Yichang, China.
  • Dehé, Nicole. A cross-linguistic view on the prosody of rhetorical questions, 24 October 2019, China Three Gorges University, Yichang, China.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Prepositions and case in heritage language grammar -- the case of Heritage Icelandic. 22 October 2019, Renmin University (People's University of China), Beijing, China.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Grammaticalization and prosody, 18 October 2019, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China.
  • Dehé, Nicole. A cross-linguistic view on the prosody of rhetorical questions, 17 October 2019, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China.
  • Zahner, Katharina, Manluolan Xu, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. Prosodic cues to rhetorical questions in Mandarin Chinese: f0, duration, voice qualityPhonetik und Phonologie 2019 (P&P 15). 25-27 September 2019. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Dehé, Nicole & Bettina Braun. Icelandic question intonation. 3rd Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE) conference, 17-19 June 2019, Lecce, Italy. (Poster)
  • Braun, Bettina, Daniela Wochner, Katharina Zahner & Nicole Dehé. Classification of interrogatives as information-seeking or rhetorical questions. 17th Speech Science and Technology Conference (SST2018). 4-7 Dec 2018, Sydney, Australia. 
  • Dehé, Nicole. Prepositions and case assignment in North American Icelandic -- the lexicon-morphology interfaceMálvísindakaffi, 19 Nov 2018, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland.
  • Neitsch, Jana, Bettina Braun & Nicole Dehé, Identifying rhetorical questions in German: the perceptual relevance of pitch accent type, voice quality and the discourse particle denn. LabPhon16, 19-22 June 2018, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal. (Poster)
  • Dehé, Nicole, Bettina Braun & Daniela Wochner. The prosody of rhetorical vs. information-seeking questions in IcelandicSpeech Prosody, 9th International Conference (2018), 13-16 June 2018, Poznan, Poland. (Poster)
  • Wochner, Daniela & Nicole Dehé. Prosody meets pragmatics: a production study on German verb-first sentencesSpeech Prosody, 9th International Conference (2018), 13-16 June 2018, Poznan, Poland. (Poster)
  • Neitsch, Jana, Bettina Braun & Nicole Dehé. The role of prosody for the interpretation of rhetorical questions in German. Speech Prosody, 9th International Conference (2018), 13-16 June 2018, Poznan, Poland. (Poster)
  • Dehé, Nicole, Parenthesis and the syntax-prosody interface, Invited talk at the 1st Princeton Symposium on Syntactic Theory "How modular is syntax?", 6-7 April 2018, Princeton University.   
  • Dehé, Nicole. The prosody of rhetorical questions, Invited plenary talk at the 48th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 48), 27-29 Oct 2017, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland.
  • Sophie Egger, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. The realization of bouletic bias: Evidence from German questions. 7th Biannual Experimental Pragmatics Conference (XPRAG 2017), 21-23 June 2017, University of Cologne. (Poster presentation).
  • Jana Neitsch, Daniela Wochner, Katharina Zahner & Nicole Dehé. Who likes liver? How German speakers use prosody to mark questions as rhetorical, Phonetics and Phonology (PaPE) 2017, 12-14 June 2017, University of Cologne.
  • Wochner, Daniela & Nicole Dehé. The prosody of verb-first constructions in German: A comparison of information-seeking questions, rhetorical questions and exclamativesPhonetics and Phonology (PaPE) 2017, 12-14 June 2017, University of Cologne. (Poster presentation)
  • Kusterer, Marianne, Jana Neitsch, Bettina Braun & Nicole Dehé. Interpreting rhetorical questions: The influence of pitch accent type, voice quality and the modal particle denn, Phonetics and Phonology (PaPE) 2017, 12-14 June 2017, University of Cologne. (Poster presentation)
  • Bettina Braun, Nicole Dehé & Yuki Asano. Lexical and prosodic operators to contrastive alternatives, 12. Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P 12), 13-14 Oct 2016, LMU München.
  • Dehé, Nicole. The Icelandic map task: Studying prosodic and syntactic aspects of North American Icelandic. Invited colloquium talk, 3 Oct 2016, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Department of Linguistics. 
  • Dehé, Nicole. The Icelandic map task: Studying North American Icelandic, Workshop on "Methodolgy and language assessment: Heritage speakers and beyond, 23 Sept 2016, University of Konstanz.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Heritage language intonation: The case of polar questions in North American Icelandic. Nordic Prosody XII, 10-12 August 2016, Trondheim, Norway.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Prepositions in North American Icelandic: Evidence from map task data. 3rd International Conference on Language Attrition, 5-7 July 2016, University of Essex.
  • Dehé, Nicole. The intonation of polar questions in North American Icelandic. 22nd Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC), 20-21 May 2016, University of Iceland, Reykjavík. 
  • Hannken-Illjes, Kati, Barbara Schlücker & Nicole Dehé. Literatur lesen und hören: Textverständnis bei gehörten und gelesenen literarischen Texten im Vergleich. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprechwissenschaft und Sprecherziehung (DGSS), 1-3 Oct 2015, University of Marburg.
  • Wochner, Daniela, Jana Schlegel, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. The prosodic marking of rhetorical questions in German. Interspeech 2015, 6-10 Sept 2015, Dresden, Germany. (Poster presentation) (download poster*)
  • Schlegel, Jana, Daniela Wochner, Bettina Braun & Nicole Dehé. The prosody of rhetorical questions in German. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2015 (PaPE 2015), 29-30 June 2015, University of Cambridge. (Poster presentation)
  • Dehé, Nicole. The intonation of selected repair expressions in Icelandic. 25 June 2015, Workshop on Prosody on the occasion of Güliz Günes' doctoral defense, University of Groningen.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Negation in Icelandic. Invited talk, 17 June 2015, Workshop on Negation, Paris Sorbonne.
  • Hannken-Illjes, Kati, Barbara Schlücker & Nicole Dehé. Literatur lieber hören? Zu den Unterschieden im Verstehen bei gehörten und gelesenen literarischen Texten bei Schüler_innen der 8. Klasse. Workshop Das Hörbuch: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf ein hybrides Phänomen, 23-24 Feb 2015, FU Berlin.
  • Dehé, Nicole. The prosodic phrasing of the Icelandic parenthetical comment clause held ég ('I think'). 12 Jan 2015, Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main.
  • Dehé, Nicole. The intonation of the repair expressions Ha and Hvað segirðu and how it is related to question prosody. 24 Nov 2014, University of Iceland, Reykjavík.
  • Dehé, Nicole. The prosodic phrasing of comment clauses in English and Icelandic: Implications for the syntax-prosody interface. 10 Oct 2014, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
  • Dehé, Nicole. The intonation of the Icelandic other-initiated repair expressions Ha and Hvað segirðu -- and how it is related to question prosody. 10. Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P 10), 9-10 Oct 2014, University of Konstanz. (Poster presentation)
  • Dehé, Nicole. The syntax-prosody and prosody-meaning interfaces: The case of the Icelandic comment clause held ég. 2014 Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB 2014), 1-5 Sept 2014, University of Oxford, UK.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Spoken Parentheticals: The Syntax-Prosody Relation. 9 July 2014, Linguistischer Arbeitskreis, Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur I, Universität zu Köln.
  • Butt, Miriam, Tina Bögel, Nicole Dehé, Kristina Kotcheva, Christin Schätzle, Christian Rohrdantz, Dominik Sacha & Daniel Keim. V1 in Icelandic: A multifactorial visualization of historical data. 9th Languages Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2014), Workshop: VisLR: Visualization as added value in the development, use and evaluation of LRs, 26-31 May 2014, Reykjavík, Iceland.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Final devoicing of /l/ in Reykjavík Icelandic. 20-23 May 2014, Speech Prosody, 7th International Conference. Dublin. (Poster presentation) (download poster*)
  • Kotcheva, Kristina, Tina Bögel, Nicole Dehé, Christian Rohrdantz, Dominik Sacha, Christin Schätzle & Miriam Butt (University of Konstanz), A Diachronic Perspective on V1 in Icelandic. Linguistic Evidence 2014, 13-15 Feb 2014, University of Tübingen. (Poster presentation)
  • Dehé, Nicole. The prosodic phrasing of the Icelandic parenthetical clause held ég in spontaneous spoken language. 28th Annual Rask conference (28. Rask-ráðstefnan um íslenskt mál og almenna málfræði), 25 Jan 2014, University of Iceland, Reykjavík.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Question intonation in Icelandic -- preliminary results from a map task. Málvísindakaffi, 24 Jan 2014, University of Iceland, Reykjavík.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Final devoicing of /l/ in Icelandic: A prosodic boundary marker? 5 December 2013, Phonology Workshop, University of Iceland, Reykjavík.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Parentheticals in spoken English: The syntax prosody relation23 October 2013, Icelandic Linguistics Society & Institute of Linguistics, University of Iceland, Reykjavík.
  • Kotcheva, Kristina & Nicole Dehé. V1-Konstruktionen aus der Perspektive historischer Korpora, 21. Arbeitstagung der Skandinavistik, 24-27 Sept 2013, University of Freiburg.
  • Dehé, Nicole & Kristina Kotcheva. Prosody in historical corpora: Evidence from North Germanic25th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, 13-15 May 2013, University of Iceland, Reykjavík.
  • Dehé, Nicole. The disambiguating function of prosody in discourse, Invited keynote talk, The Prosody-Discourse Interface Conference (IDP 2011), 12-14 Sept 2011, University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK.
  • Dehé, Nicole & Anne Wichmann. Inconsistencies in the prosodic analysis of corpus data, 2nd Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 2), 17-21 June 2011, Boston, MA.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Final Shortening in Icelandic, 22 March 2011, University of Iceland, Reykjavík.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Aspects of Icelandic sentence prosody and the syntax-prosody interface, Invited speaker, Workshop on Comparative Germanic Syntax and the Challenge from Icelandic, 33th Annual Conference of the DGfS, 23-25 Feb 2011, Göttingen, Germany.
  • Dehé, Nicole. The prosody of extra-sentential elements in discourse, Invited keynote talk. 26 Nov 2010, Session on Prosody and Discourse, GLOBE conference, Warsaw, Poland.
  • Dehé, Nicole. The timing of nuclear and prenuclear Icelandic pitch accents. 11-14 May 2010, Speech Prosody, 5th International Conference. Chicago, IL. (Poster presentation) (download poster*)
  • Dehé, Nicole & Katerina Stathi. Grammaticalisation and prosody: go and V constructions in English. 5-6 Mar 2010, 11. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium, University of Hamburg. (Poster presentation)
  • Dehé, Nicole. F0 alignment in Icelandic pitch accents - Evidence for accent types. 13 August 2009, Another Discussion on Research on Icelandic Data (ANDROID), University of Iceland, Reykjavík. 
  • Dehé, Nicole. Prosodic cues to parentheticals in spoken English: A perception study. 15-17 July 2009, The Third International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (ICLCE3), University of London.
  • Dehé, Nicole. The intonational  phrasing of spontaneous speech: a multi-perspective approach. 8 July 2009, Freie Universität Berlin.
  • Dehé, Nicole. F0-Alignierung in nuklearen und pränuklearen Akzenten des Isländischen (F0-alignment in Icelandic nuclear and prenuclear pitch accents). 20 April 2009, University of Konstanz.
  • Dehé, Nicole. The intonational phrasing of parentheticals in spoken English. Invited keynote talk, 23-24 Jan 2009, Workshop on Intonational Phrasing in Romance and in Germanic, University of Hamburg (SFB 538).
  • Dehé, Nicole. Spoken language and prosodic theory: Evidence from the intonational phrasing of parentheticals. 21 Nov 2008, University of Potsdam.
  • Dehé, Nicole & Anne Wichmann. The prosody of initial comment clauses - evidence for main clause or discourse status. 16-19 July 2008, New Reflections on Grammaticalization 4 (NRG 4), Katholike Universiteit Leuven.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Clausal parentheticals, intonational phrasing, and prosodic theory. 13-14 June 2008, 2nd Prosody-Syntax Interface Workshop (PSI 2), Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS), Berlin.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Research topics in Icelandic intonation. 16 May 2008, Phonology Workshop, University of Iceland, Reykjavík.
  • Dehé, Nicole & Vieri Samek-Lodovici. N-raising in DPs, evidence from prosodic phrasing. 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2007, Workshop "Nominalizations across Languages", University of Stuttgart (presented by Vieri Samek-Lodovici).
  • Dehé, Nicole. Sentential parentheticals and intonational phrasing. 19 Oct 2007, Workshop on Parenthesis and Sentence Amalgamation, University of Groningen.
  • Dehé, Nicole & Anne Wichmann. Epistemic parentheticals in discourse: Prosodic cues to pragmatic function. 8-13 July 2007, 10th International Pragmatics Conference, Göteborg.
  • Dehé, Nicole & Anne Wichmann. The prosody of adverbials and discourse markers: The case of epistemic comment clauses. 23-27 May 2007, ICAME 28, Stratford-upon-Avon.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Towards an intonational grammar for Icelandic. 24-26 May 2007, The 15th Manchester Phonology Meeting, University of Manchester. (Poster presentation)
  • Dehé, Nicole. Icelandic intonational phonology. 27 Feb - 2 March 2007, 29th Annual Conference of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS), University of Siegen.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Parentheticals at the syntax-prosody interface. 1 February 2007, University of Konstanz.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Pitch accents, edge tones and tonal contours in Icelandic. 14 December 2006, University of Konstanz.
  • Dehé, Nicole & Vieri Samek-Lodovici. Prosodic phrasing and the syntax of Noun Phrases. 6 October 2006, Prosody-Syntax Interface Workshop, University College London, Center for Human Communication. (handout*)
  • Dehé, Nicole. Mismatch between syntactic and prosodic structure - The case of parenthesis. 30 August - 2 September 2006, LAGB Annual Meeting 2006, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
  • Dehé, Nicole & Henrike Comes. Learning English as L2: Word order and information structure in ditransitives. 7 July 2006, University of Braunschweig, English Department.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Prosodic aspects of parentheticals in English. 24 February 2006, 28th Annual Conference of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS), University of Bielefeld.
  • Dehé, Nicole & Yordanka Kavalova. Introduction to parentheticals. 22 February 2006, 28th Annual Conference of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS), University of Bielefeld.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Variation in the mapping of syntactic phrases onto phonological phrases and in their phonetic implementation. 19 December 2005, University of Wuppertal.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Phrasengrenzen, segmentale Variation und Fokus am Beispiel des Isländischen (Phrase boundaries, segmental variation and focus: Evidence from Icelandic). 12 November 2005, Humboldt University, Berlin.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Variation in the mapping of syntactic phrases onto phonological phrases. 31 August 2005, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, School of English Literature, Language & Linguistics.
  • Dehé, Nicole. On parenthetical 'what' and some implications for the syntax-prosody interface. 5 July 2005, University of Göttingen, English Department.
  • Dehé, Nicole & Yordanka Kavalova. Parenthetical 'what'. The 1st International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English. 23-26 June 2005, University of Edinburgh.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Aspects of parenthetical 'what'. 20 May 2005, University of Konstanz.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Final Vowel Deletion, Phonological Phrasing, and Rhythm in Icelandic. Tone and Intonation [±Europe] Workshop, 17-19 March 2005, Schloß Freudental (University of Konstanz).
  • Dehé, Nicole. Aspects of Icelandic sentence prosody. Invited Talk, 19th Annual Rask-Conference, 22 Jan 2005, University of Iceland, Reykjavík.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Syntaktische und Phonologische Aspekte der Fokusrealisierung im Isländischen (Syntactic and phonological aspects of focus realisation in Icelandic). 1 Dec 2004, University of Stuttgart, Department of Linguistics.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Some notes on the focus-prosody relation and phrasing in Icelandic. 8-10 August 2004, Nordic Prosody IX, Lund, Sweden.
  • Dehé, Nicole & Vieri Samek-Lodovici. On the architecture of module interfaces*. 04 June 2004, Conference on The Architecture of the Language Faculty, University College London, Center for Human Communication. (Poster presentation)
  • Dehé, Nicole. Some remarks on the Icelandic double object construction and the syntax prosody interface. 12 May 2004, University College London, Department of Phonetics and Linguistics.
  • Dehé, Nicole. On verbs, particles, and the positions of objects. 7 July 2003, Freie Universität Berlin, English Department.
  • Dehé, Nicole. On the optimal placement of English 'up' and German 'ab'. 16-17 May 2003, ZAS-Potsdam Workshop on OT Syntax+ , ZAS Berlin.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Particle Verbs in English and other Germanic languages: Insights from syntax and intonation. 15 November 2002, University of Wisconsin/Madison, English Department.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Particle Verbs in English: Word Order, Focus & Accent Placement. 28 February - 2 March 2001, University of Leipzig, 23rd Annual Conference of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS). (Poster presentation).
  • Dehé, Nicole. Intonation patterns of particle verbs in English. 6-8 October 2000, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., 31st Conference of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS 31). (Poster presentation)
  • Dehé, Nicole. Particle verbs in English: Neutral order, focus structure and accent placement, 4-6 February 2000, University of Leipzig, Workshop on Particle Verbs.
  • Dehé, Nicole. Partikelverben im Englischen: Fokusstruktur und Akzentplazierung (Particle verbs in English: Focus structure and accent placement), 28 January 2000, University of Leipzig, "Berichtskolloquium des Graduiertenkollegs 'Universalität und Diversität' vor der DFG".
  • Dehé, Nicole. Partikelverben im Englischen: Ein interdisziplinärer Versuch (Particle verbs in English: An interdisciplinary approach) . 7 December 1999, University of Göttingen, English Department.
  • Dehé, Nicole. On the structure of transitive particle verbs in English: More evidence from information structure, 28-31 October 1999, University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL) 1999.
  • Dehé, Nicole. On the structure of transitive particle verbs in English: Evidence from information structure. 7-9 September 1999, York / UK Autumn Meeting of the Linguistic Association of Great Britain (LAGB).
  • Dehé, Nicole. Präpositionale Elemente als funktionale Kategorien (Prepositional elements as functional categories), 1 February 1998, University of Göttingen, English Department: Workshop in honour of Prof. Thomas Gardner on his 65th birthday.

*All downloadable papers, posters and handouts are in Adobe PDF format. The Acrobat Reader is available for free from the Adobe website.

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