set defaultWindows "tree fstructure fschart choices"the list of windows to be displayed when showing solutions Adding o::* would cause the optimality projection to be displayed.
set window_height 400the height a new window
set window_width 500the width of a new window
set window_height_offset 0the height offset for the upper left window It allow for a gap above the windows.
set window_width_offset 0the width offset for the upper left window It allow for a gap to the left of the windows.
set window_height_overhead 30the height of the window frame This is added to the window by the window manager.
set window_width_overhead 10the width of the window frame This is added to the window by the window manager.
set window_height_gap 10the sizes of the vertical gap between windows
set window_width_gap 10the sizes of the horizontal gap between windows
set backgroundColor lightgreythe background color of windows
set abbrevAttributes @CONTAINSPREDLets the user list the attributes that can be displayed. @CONTAINSPRED = attributes that have an embedded PRED @GOVERNABLERELATIONS = list of governable relations @SEMANTICFUNCTIONS = list of semantic functions @EXTERNALATTRIBUTES = list of external attributes Attributes can be subtracted using '-' (e.g. "@CONTAINSPRED -SPEC").
set abbreviatedFStruct 0show only the attributes listed in abbrevAttributes
set abbreviatedFSChart 0show only the attributes listed in abbrevAttributes
set showConstraintsFStruct 0show the negated and sub-c constraints
set showConstraintsFSChart 0show the negated and sub-c constraints.
set showSubcConstraintsFStruct 0Show the sub-c constraints.
set showNumbers 1Turns the display of node numbers on or off.
set showFSNumbers 1Turns the display of node numbers on f-structures on or off.
set showPartials 0Turns the display of partial edges on or off.
set showLinearFSChart 0Toggles linear display of f-structure.
set CSTRUCTUREPERSONALD 0.75the horizontal distance between tree nodes
set CSTRUCTUREMOTHERD 2.35the vertical distance between tree nodes
set onColor redthe color used for choices that have been turned on
set offColor "royal blue"the color used for choices that have been turned off
set parse_literally 0Parse the input literally, i.e.: 1) Preserve whitespace. 2) Don't treat cat-colon specially (e.g. NP:). 3) Don't treat sentences beginning with # as comments. 4) Don't treat trailing parentheses as performance data (e.g. (1 23 1.07)).
set parse_testfile_resource1 secondsThe first resource that parse-testfile measures Can only be "seconds", "megabytes", or "events"
set parse_testfile_resource2 subtreesThe second resource that parse-testfile measures Can only be "subtrees" or "raw_subtrees"
set timeout 100Abort the current action with -1 after this many CPU seconds.
set max_xle_events 0Abort the current action with -1 after this many XLE events.
set max_xle_scratch_storage 100Abort the current action with -2 after this many megabytes have been used.
set start_skimming_when_scratch_storage_exceeds 0Start skimming when X megabytes scratch storage has been used.
set start_skimming_when_total_events_exceed 0Start skimming with X events have occurred.
set max_new_events_per_graph_when_skimming 500Abort a subtree after this many events have occurred if skimming.
set skimming_nogoods ""the OT marks that become NOGOOD when skimming
set property_weights_file ""the property weights used for statistical disambiguation
set max_selection_additional_storage 1000Return the current best selection after this many kilobytes have been used.
set max_solutions 0Compute this many n-best solutions.
set gen_selector ""the function used to choose one string as output from the generator possible values are: 'longest' and 'shortest'
set ignoreProjections ""a list of projections that are ignored when constraints are instantiated
set delayProjections ""a list of projections that are delayed until a second pass
set grammar_index_directory ""the directory where grammar index directories are stored
set default_print_dir ""the directory that print functions print to when the name of the file is defaulted
set ignoreUnoptimal 0Ignore unoptimal counts when reporting errors from parse-testfile or diff-testfiles.
set outputStructures ""Specifies the output structures included in the prolog output. Ex: 'c f::' would cause the c-structure and f-structure information to be included. The default is that everything is included.
set treesOnly 0When parsing, only build c-structure (ignore constraints).
set morphOnly 0When parsing, only build morphology.
set print_morphology 0Print the output of each transducer in the morphology.