Sibrand van Coillie (Dipl. Psych.)
One of our goals in the project was to provide experimental support for phonological fea-tural underspecification which is incorporated in the FUL (Featurally Underspecified Lexicon) model. This was done by conducting psycholinguistic speech comprehension priming experiments in which we focussed on place of articulation features. Our second effort was to investigate whether semantic properties of words that correlate with its grammatical gender aid in retrieving the gender of these words. This was investigated with the aid of speech production priming experiments.Teaching
Seminar on Psycholinguistics
Conference contributions/talks
- Juli 2002: Über die Wechselwirkung von semantischer und syntaktischer Verarbeitung: Verhaltensstudien zur semantischen Typikalität. Forschungs Kolloquium Algemeine Psychologie.
- Juli 2001: Grammatical Gender. Konstanz. Forschungs Kolloquium Psychologie.
- Dezember 2000: Underspecification put to the test. Schloß Freudenthal, workshop on Features.
- Juni 2000: Predictability of German Grammatical Gender. Konstanz.
- Mai 2000: Psycholinguistic Evidence for Phonological Underspecification. SFB Colloquium. (With Prof. A. Lahiri)
- Dezember 1998: Features and their specification in the mental lexicon. Schloß Maurach, Workshop on Lexical representations and in language Comprehension.
- Juli 1998: Psycholinguistic evidence for underspecification. Schloß Freudenthal, workshop on Speech recognition - Man and Machine.
- November 1997: Suffixes and mental Lexicon. Solingen.
Biographical Sketch
- 1994 – 2003
- Phd-Student (wissenschaftliche Angestellte)
University of Konstanz,
Sonderforschungsbereich 471 Variation and Evolution in the Lexicon.
- Phd-Student (wissenschaftliche Angestellte)
- 1991 – 1994
- Practical Training & Research Assistant. Max Planck Instut für Psycholinguistik