LFG BULLETIN SEPTEMBER 2009 ** Please send bulletin items to me by email ** ** (reverse: ling-phil.ox.ac.uk/ !at! Louise.Mycock) ** Next issue: DECEMBER 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LFG website: http://www.essex.ac.uk/linguistics/external/LFG/ International Lexical Functional Grammar Association: http://www-lfg.stanford.edu/lfg/ilfga/ More about LFG: http://www.carleton.ca/~asudeh/LFG/more.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTENTS 1. Results of the ILFGA Executive Committee elections 2. Students' work 3. Drafts for comments 4. Recent LFG work 5. Boilerplate ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Results of the ILFGA Executive Committee elections From George Aaron Broadwell: The secretary/treasurer of ILFGA is pleased to announce that Rachel Nordlinger and Josef van Genabith have been elected to the ILFGA Executive Committee. Congratulations to both of them, and thanks for their willingness to serve our association! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Students' work There are several ways in which students can let the LFG community learn more about their work. 2.1 MA/PhD Publications in the LFG Bulletin In each bulletin, details of student theses and dissertations of interest to the LFG community appear in the Publications section. Students and their supervisors are encouraged to email the Bulletin Maintainer (Louise.Mycock /at/ ling-phil.ox.ac.uk) with the relevant information. 2.2 Dissertation Session at the LFG Conference At the annual LFG conference, students are given the chance to present recent PhD dissertations (or other student research dissertations). The dissertations must be completed by the time of the conference, and they should be made publicly accessible (e.g., on the World Wide Web). Each talk should provide an overview of the main original points of the dissertation. Students should note that the main sessions of the conference are also open to student submissions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. DRAFTS FOR COMMENTS 'Drafts for comments' offers bulletin readers the opportunity to submit information about drafts or projects on which they would like to receive comments from the community. This brings work in progress to the attention of the community and plays some of the role that previous incarnations of the archive played. Please submit basic article/project information and a) a URL if the item is available online or else b) your contact email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. RECENT LFG WORK Send details of your recent work to Louise.Mycock /at/ ling-phil.ox.ac.uk/ 4.1 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS LFG conference papers are available electronically at: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/site/ONLN.shtml 4.2 PHD/MASTERS Spector, Ilona (2008). 'Hebrew Floating Quantifiers: A Non-Derivational Approach'. MA thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. http://pluto.huji.ac.il/~msyfalk/Spector_MA.pdf 4.3 PUBLICATIONS Appah, Clement Kwamina Insaidoo (2009). 'The representation of ISVC in C and F structures of LFG: A proposal'. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 6, no. 1. http://www.skase.sk/Volumes/JTL13/pdf_doc/06.pdf Tordera Yllescas, Juan Carlos (2008) Introducción a la gramática léxico-funcional: Teoría y aplicaciones. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia. 4.4 DOWNLOADABLE LFG PAPERS A list of web-pages where people post downloadable LFG papers: http://arts.anu.edu.au/linguistics/LFG/ Additional suggestions welcome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. BOILERPLATE The boilerplate (standard text) which previously appeared at the end of every bulletin can be accessed at: http://www.carleton.ca/~asudeh/LFG/more.txt The LFG website also serves much of the same function as the boilerplate section. http://www.essex.ac.uk/linguistics/external/LFG/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------