March 2016
** Please send bulletin items to me by email **
** < Louise.Mycock "at" gmail "dot" com >**
Next issue: June 2016


1. HEADLEX16: Warsaw Joint Conference on LFG & HPSG
2. Proceedings of LFG15
3. LFG2017 conference at University of Konstanz
4. Drafts for comments
5. Recent LFG work
6. Online resources
7. Boilerplate

1. HEADLEX16: Warsaw Joint Conference on LFG & HPSG

HEADLEX16: Warsaw Joint Conference on LFG & HPSG
25 July - 29 July 2016
Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

Invited speakers:
Tracy Holloway King (A9.com)
Manfred Sailer (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)

Conference website: http://headlex16.ipipan.waw.pl

Conference e-mail: < headlex16-chairs "at" nlp.ipipan.waw.pl >

2. Proceedings of LFG15

The LFG15 proceedings are now available at



I Wayan Arka: 'Constructed Middles in Marori: An LFG Analysis'. 5-25

Oleg Belyaev, Mary Dalrymple and John Lowe: 'Number Mismatches in Coordination: An LFG Analysis'. 26-46

Kersti Börjars, Safia Madkhali and John Payne: 'Masdars and Mixed Category Constructions'. 47-63

Mary Dalrymple: 'Morphology in the LFG Architecture'. 64-83

Shaimaa ElSadek and Louisa Sadler: 'Egyptian Arabic Perceptual Reports'. 84-102

Stephen Jones: 'Number in Meryam Mir'. 103-123

Marie-Odile Junker and Ida Toivonen: 'East Cree Ghost Participants'. 124-144

Anna Kibort and Joan Maling: 'Modelling the Syntactic Ambiguity of the Active vs. Passive Impersonal in LFG'. 145-165

Tibor Laczkó: 'On Negative Particles and Negative Polarity in Hungarian'. 166-186

Tibor Laczkó: 'On Operators in the Preverbal Domain of Hungarian Finite Sentences'. 187-207

John Lowe: 'Degrees of Degrammaticalization: A Lexical Sharing Approach to the English Possessive'. 208-228

John Lowe and Oleg Belyaev: 'Clitic Positioning in Ossetic'. 229-249

Ryo Otoguro: 'Generalising Functional Categories in LFG'. 250-269

Agnieszka Patejuk and Adam Przepiórkowski: 'An LFG Analysis of the so-called Reflexive Marker in Polish'. 270-288

John Payne and Kersti Börjars: 'Features and Selection in LFG: The English VP'. 289-303

Marjolein Poortvliet: 'An LFG Approach to Nested Dependencies in Dutch'. 304-321

Adam Przepiórkowski and Agnieszka Patejuk: 'Two Representations of Negation in LFG: Evidence from Polish'. 322-336

Rickard Ramhöj: 'Clausal Subjects and Extraposition in the History of English'. 337-356

Christin Schätzle, Miriam Butt and Kristina Kotcheva: 'The Diachrony of Dative Subjects and the Middle in Icelandic: A Corpus Study'. 357-377

Andrew Spencer: 'Individuating Lexemes in LFG'. 378-398

Andrew Spencer: 'Participial Relatives in LFG'. 399-419

Mark-Matthias Zymla, Maike Müller and Miriam Butt: 'Modelling the common ground for discourse particles'. 420-440

3. LFG2017 conference at University of Konstanz

From Kersti Börjars, Chair of the ILFGA Executive Committee, on behalf of the ILFGA committee:

In line with the tradition of rotating the conference between continents, LFG2017 should be held in North America. However, no offers of hosting were made at last year's meeting and having contacted some potential host institutions, we conclude that there is no suitable place there to host the conference next year. For this reason, we have accepted the generous offer made by Konstanz to organise the LFG conference for a second time (thanks Miriam and colleagues!). Exact dates to be confirmed.

It does look like there is a possibility of a North American LFG conference in 2018, but more about that at a later stage.

4. Drafts for comments

'Drafts for comments' offers bulletin readers the opportunity to submit information about drafts or projects on which they would like to receive comments from the community. This brings work in progress to the attention of the community and plays some of the role that previous incarnations of the archive played.

Please submit basic article/project information and (a) a URL if the item is available online or else (b) your contact email.

5. Recent LFG work

Send details of your recent work to < Louise.Mycock "at" gmail "dot" com >

5.1 Publications

Mary Dalrymple, Ronald M. Kaplan, and Tracy Holloway King (2016). 'Economy of Expression as a Principle of Syntax.' Journal of Language Modelling 3(2): 377-412. http://jlm.ipipan.waw.pl/index.php/JLM/article/view/82

5.2 Conference Proceedings

LFG conference papers are available electronically at:

6. Online resources

LFG website:

International Lexical Functional Grammar Association:

More about LFG:

Facebook page:

7. Boilerplate

The boilerplate (standard text) which previously appeared at the end of every bulletin can be accessed at:

The LFG website also serves much of the same function as the boilerplate section.