LFG BULLETIN MARCH 2004 ---- * NEWS * ---- NEW BULLETIN MAINTAINER: ------------------------ Hi. My name is Ash and I'll be your bulletin maintainer. I'd like to thank Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King for their years of tireless bulletin maintenance. The bulletin comes out four times a year: March, July, September, December. LFG 2004: --------- 1. Preregistration deadline: May 15, 2004. Check the conference web site for registration instructions and other information: http://www-lfg.stanford.edu/lfg/lfg2004/ 2. LFG 2004 acceptances have been sent out by the program committee. 3. The conference program will be published on the web site shortly. 4. General conference information LFG 2004 July 10-12, 2004 University of Canterbury Christchurch, New Zealand http://www-lfg.stanford.edu/lfg/lfg2004/ contacts: Ida Toivonen <ida.toivonen@canterbury.ac.nz> Ash Asudeh (asudeh@csli.stanford.edu> ORGANISERS AND THEIR CONTACT ADDRESSES Send abstract submissions and inquiries about submissions to: Program Committee: Email: Jonas Kuhn jonask@mail.utexas.edu Tara Mohanan elltaram@nus.edu.sg Mail: LFG 2004 c/o Tara Mohanan Department of English Language and Literature FASS Block 5, 7 Arts Link National University of Singapore Singapore 117570 Local conference organisers: Email: Ida Toivonen ida.toivonen@canterbury.ac.nz Ash Asudeh asudeh@csli.stanford.edu Fax: +64 3 364 2969 Mail: Ida Toivonen Department of Linguistics University of Canterbury Private Bag 4800 Christchurch 8020 New Zealand WINTER SCHOOL IN LFG AND COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS: --------------------------------------------------- 1. Preregistration deadline: May 1, 2004. Check the winter school web site for registration instructions and other information: http://www-lfg.stanford.edu/lfg/lfg2004/school/ 2. General winter school information: COURSES Introduction to Lexical Functional Grammar Instructors: Kersti Börjars and Nigel Vincent University of Manchester Computational linguistics lab class Instructors: Mary Dalrymple and Ash Asudeh King's College and University of Canterbury Issues in Computational Linguistics Instructor: Richard Crouch and Tracy Holloway King Palo Alto Research Center Advanced topic in LFG: Agreement Instructors: Mary Dalrymple and Louisa Sadler King's College and University of Essex SEMINAR SPEAKERS Joan Bresnan Stanford University Annie Zaenen and Tracy Holloway King Palo Alto Research Center Others TBA LOCAL ORGANIZERS Ida Toivonen <ida.toivonen@canterbury.ac.nz> Ash Asudeh <asudeh@csli.stanford.edu> LFG 2005: --------- University of Bergen, Norway dates to be determined contacts: Helge Dyvik ( helge.dyvik@lili.uib.no ) Victoria Rosén ( victoria.rosen@lili.uib.no ) ----------------- * RECENT LFG OUTPUT * ----------------- Recent LFG Publications: ------------------------ Adams Bodomo http://www.hku.hk/linguist/staff/ab.html Bodomo, A. B. and K. K. Luke (eds). 2003. Lexical-Functional Grammar Analysis of Chinese. Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph 19. Bodomo, A. B. 2004. The syntax of nominalized complex verbal predicates in Dagaare. Studia Linguistica. 58 (1): 1-22. Anette Frank http://www.dfki.de/~frank/chrono.html Anette Frank and Katrin Erk (2004): "Towards an LFG Syntax-Semantics Interface for Frame Semantics Annotation" in: Alexander Gelbukh (eds): Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2945, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 1--12. Anette Frank, Louisa Sadler, Josef van Genabith, Andy Way (2003): "From Treebank Resources to LFG F-Structures. Automatic F-Structure Annotation of Treebank Trees and CFGs extracted from Treebanks", in: A. Abeille (ed): Treebanks. Building and using syntactically annotated corpora, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 367-389. Steve Wechsler http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/%7Ewechsler/papers.html Stephen Wechsler, to appear. Number as Person. Proceedings of the Fifth Syntax And Semantics Conference In Paris. Stephen Wechsler, to appear.Ê Elsewhere in Gender Resolution. In Kristin Hanson and Sharon Inkelas (eds.) The Nature of the WordÑ Essays in Honor of Paul Kiparsky. MIT Press. Recent LFG Dissertations: ------------------------- Asudeh, Ash. 2004. Resumption as Resource Management. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Linguistics, Stanford University. Supervisors: Mary Dalrymple and Peter Sells. Available: http://www.stanford.edu/~asudeh/ Clark, Brady Zack. 2004. A Stochastic Optimality Theory Approach to Syntactic Change. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Linguistics, Stanford University. Supervisors: Paul Kiparsky and Elizabeth Traugott. Available soon: http://www.stanford.edu/~bzack/ Lee, On Man. 2003. The Subject Function in Cantonese. M.Phil. dissertation, Department of Linguistics, University of Hong Kong. Supervisor: Adams Bodomo. Teaching materials: ------------------- The syllabus, slides, and homeworks for Ron Kaplan and Tracy Holloway King's grammar engineering course are available at: http://www.stanford.edu/class/linguist239e/ These materials will eventually be moved to Tracy's web site: http://www2.parc.com/istl/members/thking/ ----------- * ILFGA * ----------- DONATE TO ILFGA: There are three ways to make a donation: 0. Donate at the conference! ILFGA will be accepting donations at LFG04 in New Zealand. 1. Send a check made out to "Intl. Lexical Functional Grammar Assc." in US dollars to: Tracy Holloway King NLTT/ISTL PARC 3333 Coyote Hill Rd Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA This is the simplest (and cheapest) method if you have access to US dollars. 2. Have money transfered directly into the account. Please let the ILFGA Treasurer, Tracy Holloway King ( thking@parc.com ), know if you want to make a donation in this way. ILFGA is a 501(3)c organization (i.e. a non-profit) and as such contributions are tax deductible in the US (and perhaps elsewhere; if you are not in the US, check your home country for tax status). A receipt will be issued for each donation. BE IN THE ILFGA DATABASE: Please add yourself to the ILFGA linguist database. To do so, send email to Chris Culy ( culy@fxpal.com ) with the following information: NAME AFFILIATION OFFICIAL ADDRESS EMAIL ADDRESS WEB PAGE RESEARCH INTERESTS RESEARCH LANGUAGES The database can be accessed at: http://www-lfg.stanford.edu/lfg/ilfga/member-database/ilfga-namelist.html JOIN ILFGA: If you haven't yet, you can still join ILFGA, the International Lexical Functional Grammar Association by sending mail to majordomo@lists.stanford.edu with the message: subscribe ilfga-members ---------- * EDITOR * ---------- Please send updates, suggestions and news for inclusion in the next LFG Bulletin (July 2004) to: asudeh@csli.stanford.edu Most importantly, please send information about: - recent publications or papers - recent dissertations - teaching materials - publically available grammars - current grammar development efforts Thank you, Ash Asudeh ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Frequently Asked Questions: FAQs Information on the following topics is available on the LFG WebPages: http://clwww.essex.ac.uk/LFG/ http://www-lfg.stanford.edu/lfg 1. WHAT IS LEXICAL-FUNCTIONAL GRAMMAR? 2. WHAT ARE THE BEST INTRODUCTORY BOOKS/ARTICLES TO LFG? 3. THE LFG WWW SITE 4. THE LFG MAILING LIST 5. LFG BIBLIOGRAPHY, RECENT PUBLICATIONS IN LFG 6. HOW TO RETRIEVE LFG DOCUMENTS 7. PUBLICALLY AVAILABLE LFG SYSTEMS 8. CURRENT GRAMMAR DEVELOPMENT EFFORT 9. UPCOMING EVENTS If you have access to ftp, but no access to Web, you can get a copy of the FAQ by ftp or email (see "How to Retrieve LFG Documents" below). Please help keep this document and the FAQ up to date! Send updates and suggestions for improvements to the FAQ to Doug Arnold: doug#essex.ac.uk Send updates, suggestions and news for inclusion in the LFG Bulletin to Ash Asudeh: asudeh@csli.stanford.edu or post them on the LFG list (LFG@listserv.linguistlist.org). Most importantly, please send Ash information about: - recent publications or papers - recent dissertations - teaching materials - publically available grammars - current grammar development efforts --- * HOW TO RETRIEVE LFG DOCUMENTS * Some LFG documents are available on the web, by FTP, or by email. There are three ways to get them. (1) Most of the documents are accessible via the WWW: The current version of the list of Frequently Asked Questions about LFG: http://www-lfg.stanford.edu/lfg/lfg-information.html Introductions to LFG: http://www-lfg.stanford.edu/lfg/clwww.essex.ac.uk/LFG/Introductions.html http://clwww.essex.ac.uk/LFG/Introductions.html The LFG bibliography: http://www-lfg.stanford.edu/lfg/bibliography.html http://clwww.essex.ac.uk/LFG/Bibliography.html The bibliography is also available at the CL/MT Group Bibliographic Search Page, maintained by Doug Arnold of the University of Essex. The URL is: http://clwww.essex.ac.uk/search/ (2) You can get the documents by anonymous FTP from: ftp ftp-lfg.stanford.edu All of the documents are in subdirectories of the directory /pub/lfg. Here is a list of some of the files in that directory that are relevant for LFG researchers: in the directory /pub/lfg/bibliography: The LFG Bibliography in various versions and formats. in the directory /pub/lfg/lfg-information: FAQ [the latest version of the list of Frequently Asked Questions about LFG] in the directory /pub/lfg/lfg-introductions: pracinstrucsforlfg.ps [an introduction to LFG notation by Michael Wescoat] formal-architecture.ps [an introduction to LFG by Ron Kaplan] neidle.ps [an introduction to LFG by Carol Neidle] sadler.ps [a paper on recent developments in LFG by Louisa Sadler] in the directory /pub/lfg/lfg-presentations: Slides and handouts from LFG conferences and courses. in the directory /pub/lfg/papers: Papers that have been submitted to the LFG Archive. Compressed versions of some of these files are also available. The file names of the compressed versions are the same, except they have ".gz" at the end. There may be other LFG-related files in that directory as well, which you are welcome to retrieve. (3) You can get some files by email, via the Listserv "get" command. A list of currently available files can be obtained by sending a message to LISTSERV@listserv.linguistlist.org (please note: address the message to LISTSERV, not LFG). The message should contain the following command: index lfg The following files are available, and there may be additional files as well: LFG-bulletin.txt [the latest version of the LFG Bulletin] FAQ.txt [the list of Frequently Asked Questions] lfgbib.text [the LFG bibliography] To get a file, send a message to LISTSERV@listserv.linguistlist.org containing the following command: get <filename> For example, if you want to get the latest version of the FAQ, you would send a message to LISTSERV@listserv.linguistlist.org with the following command: get FAQ.txt You will receive the file in an email message.