LFG BULLETIN JUNE 1997 * NEWS * - LFG97 was a great success, thanks to the efforts of conference chair Farrell Ackerman, Yvonne Franklin, program chairs Miriam Butt and Tracy King, workshop organizers Maria Polinsky, Alice Harris, and Phil LeSourd, and a host of UCSD graduate students. Many thanks from all of us for organizing a stimulating and enjoyable conference! - The proceedings of LFG97 will be an on-line publication of CSLI Publications, similar to the Proceedings of LFG96: http://www-csli.stanford.edu/publications/LFG/lfg1.html More details on the LFG97 Proceedings will be available when the papers have been completed and submitted. - A new ftp site has been created for slides and handouts from the LFG97 meeting at the University of California at San Diego, June 19 - 21: ftp://parcftp.xerox.com/pub/nl/slides/LFG97 Please contact dalrymple@parc.xerox.com if you would like to make your slides or handouts available for anonymous FTP from this directory. The file should be in some generally accessible format: for example, postscript or RTF. I'd like to encourage everyone to do this -- it creates a good resource not only for conference attendees, but especially for people who were not able to attend the conference. - LFG98 will be held at Emmanuel College, The University of Queensland, Australia, June 30 - July 2, 1998. See "Upcoming Events" below. - A new version of the LFG bibliography is available, including papers presented at LFG97. For instructions on how to retrieve the new version of the bibliography, see "How To Retrieve LFG Documents" below. --- * UPCOMING EVENTS * LFG98 1998 Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference Emmanuel College, The University of Queensland June 30 - July 2, 1998 LFG98, the third in a series of international conferences, will be held next year in Australia, just before the Australian Linguistic Society Meeting and the two week Australian Linguistics Institute. The conference welcomes work both within the formal architecture of Lexical-Functional Grammar and typological, formal, and computational work within the `spirit of LFG', as a lexicalist approach to language employing a parallel, constraint-based framework. Call for papers: September 1997 Abstracts and papers due: January 31, 1998 More information: http://www.sultry.arts.usyd.edu.au/LFG98/ Local organizers: Christopher Manning <cmanning@mail.usyd.edu.au> Jane Simpson <jhs@mail.usyd.edu.au> --- Frequently Asked Questions: FAQs Information on the following topics (FAQs) is available on the LFG WebPage: http://clwww.essex.ac.uk/LFG/ 1. WHAT IS LEXICAL-FUNCTIONAL GRAMMAR? 2. WHAT ARE THE BEST INTRODUCTORY BOOKS/ARTICLES TO LFG? 3. THE LFG WWW SITE 4. THE LFG MAILING LIST 5. LFG BIBLIOGRAPHY, RECENT PUBLICATIONS IN LFG 6. HOW TO RETRIEVE LFG DOCUMENTS 7. PUBLICALLY AVAILABLE LFG SYSTEMS 8. CURRENT GRAMMAR DEVELOPMENT EFFORT 9. UPCOMING EVENTS If you have access to ftp, but no access to Web, you can get a copy of the FAQ by ftp (see "How to Retrieve LFG Documents" below). If you have neither ftp nor Web access, but have email, send a mail requesting a copy of the FAQ to doug#essex.ac.uk. Please help keep this document and the FAQ up to date! Send updates and suggestions for improvements to the FAQ to doug#essex.ac.uk. Send updates, suggestions and news for inclusion in the LFG Bulletin to dalrymple@parc.xerox.com, or post them on the LFG list (lfg@list.stanford.edu). Most importantly, please send information about: - your recent publications or papers - publically available grammars - current grammar development efforts --- * HOW TO RETRIEVE LFG DOCUMENTS * Some LFG documents are available by FTP or email. There are two ways to get them. (1) First, you can get some files by email, via the Majordomo "get" command. A list of available files can be obtained by sending a message to majordomo@list.stanford.edu containing the following command: index lfg The following files are available. There may be additional files as well. Send the command "index lfg" to see what is currently available: FAQ [the list of Frequently Asked Questions] pracinstrucsforlfg.ps [an introduction to LFG notation by Michael Wescoat] formal-architecture.ps [an introduction to LFG by Ron Kaplan] neidle.ps [an introduction to LFG by Carol Neidle] lfg.bib [the LFG bibliography in BibTeX format] lfgbib.text [the LFG bibliography in plain text format] lfgbib.ps [the LFG bibliography in Postscript format] lfgbib.rtf [the LFG bibliography in RTF format] To get a file, send a message to majordomo@list.stanford.edu containing the following command: get lfg <filename> For example, if you want to get the latest version of the FAQ, you would send a message to majordomo@list.stanford.edu with the following command: get lfg FAQ You will receive the file in an email message. CAUTION: Some of the files that are available by this method are Postscript files, which can be VERY LARGE. Postscript files end in the extension .ps (for example, the file "neidle.ps" is a Postscript file). If your mailer cannot handle EXTREMELY LARGE messages, don't try to get these files by email. Instead, use the FTP option, described below. (2) Second, you can get the documents by anonymous FTP from parcftp.xerox.com/. All of the documents are in the directory /pub/nl. Here is a list of some of the files in that directory that are relevant for LFG researchers: LFG-FAQ [the latest version of this FAQ] pracinstrucsforlfg.ps [an introduction to LFG notation by Michael Wescoat] formal-architecture.ps [an introduction to LFG by Ron Kaplan] neidle.ps [an introduction to LFG by Carol Neidle] lfg.bib [the LFG bibliography in BibTeX format] lfgbib.text [the LFG bibliography in plain text format] lfgbib.ps [the LFG bibliography in Postscript format] lfgbib.rtf [the LFG bibliography in RTF format] Compressed versions of some of these files are also available. The file names of the compressed versions are the same, except they have ".gz" at the end. There will probably be other LFG-related files in that directory as well, which you are welcome to retrieve. (3) The LFG bibliography is also accessible via the WWW, at the CL/MT Group Bibliographic Search Page, maintained by Doug Arnold of the University of Essex. The URL is: http://clwww.essex.ac.uk/search/ If you have difficulty with any of these methods, contact dalrymple@parc.xerox.com for assistance.