Schedule: Grammar Interfaces

03.05Grammar Architecture Overview
10.05Jackendoff. 2002. Foundations of Language, Chapter 5
31.05. Hindi-Urdu Treebank Meeting
14.06Ramchand 2008. Verb Meaning and the Lexicon, pp. 38-82, 142-149
21.06.No Claas
28.06.No Class
05.07.Asher 2011. Lexical Meaning in Context. Chs. 1,8
12.07.Wagner 2003. Prosody as a Diagonalization of Syntax
19.07.Gillian Ramchand: Talk and Discussion
Scalar Structure Across Categories: V and P vs. A
20.07.Glue and Lexical Semantics;
Dalrymple 2001, Ch. 9 Lexical Functional Grammar
Asudeh and Giorgolo Flexible Composition for Optional and Derived Arguments
Course requirements: